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function [stego, distortion] = WOW(cover, payload, params)
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Copyright (c) 2012 DDE Lab, Binghamton University, NY.
% All Rights Reserved.
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% Contact: | | October 2012
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% This function simulates embedding using WOW steganographic
% algorithm. For more deatils about the individual submodels, please see
% the publication [1].
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Input: coverPath ... path to the image
% payload ..... payload in bits per pixel
% Output: stego ....... resulting image with embedded payload
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% [1] Designing Steganographic Distortion Using Directional Filters,
% V. Holub and J. Fridrich, to be presented at WIFS'12 IEEE International
% Workshop on Information Forensics and Security
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Get 2D wavelet filters - Daubechies 8
% 1D high pass decomposition filter
hpdf = [-0.0544158422, 0.3128715909, -0.6756307363, 0.5853546837, 0.0158291053, -0.2840155430, -0.0004724846, 0.1287474266, 0.0173693010, -0.0440882539, ...
-0.0139810279, 0.0087460940, 0.0048703530, -0.0003917404, -0.0006754494, -0.0001174768];
% 1D low pass decomposition filter
lpdf = (-1).^(0:numel(hpdf)-1).*fliplr(hpdf);
% construction of 2D wavelet filters
F{1} = lpdf'*hpdf;
F{2} = hpdf'*lpdf;
F{3} = hpdf'*hpdf;
%% Get embedding costs
% inicialization
cover = double(cover);
p = params.p;
wetCost = 10^10;
sizeCover = size(cover);
% add padding
padSize = max([size(F{1})'; size(F{2})'; size(F{3})']);
coverPadded = padarray(cover, [padSize padSize], 'symmetric');
% compute directional residual and suitability \xi for each filter
xi = cell(3, 1);
for fIndex = 1:3
% compute residual
R = conv2(coverPadded, F{fIndex}, 'same');
% compute suitability
xi{fIndex} = conv2(abs(R), rot90(abs(F{fIndex}), 2), 'same');
% correct the suitability shift if filter size is even
if mod(size(F{fIndex}, 1), 2) == 0, xi{fIndex} = circshift(xi{fIndex}, [1, 0]); end;
if mod(size(F{fIndex}, 2), 2) == 0, xi{fIndex} = circshift(xi{fIndex}, [0, 1]); end;
% remove padding
xi{fIndex} = xi{fIndex}(((size(xi{fIndex}, 1)-sizeCover(1))/2)+1:end-((size(xi{fIndex}, 1)-sizeCover(1))/2), ((size(xi{fIndex}, 2)-sizeCover(2))/2)+1:end-((size(xi{fIndex}, 2)-sizeCover(2))/2));
% compute embedding costs \rho
rho = ( (xi{1}.^p) + (xi{2}.^p) + (xi{3}.^p) ) .^ (-1/p);
% adjust embedding costs
rho(rho > wetCost) = wetCost; % threshold on the costs
rho(isnan(rho)) = wetCost; % if all xi{} are zero threshold the cost
rhoP1 = rho;
rhoM1 = rho;
rhoP1(cover==255) = wetCost; % do not embed +1 if the pixel has max value
rhoM1(cover==0) = wetCost; % do not embed -1 if the pixel has min value
%% Embedding simulator
stego = EmbeddingSimulator(cover, rhoP1, rhoM1, payload*numel(cover), false);
distortion_local = rho(cover~=stego);
distortion = sum(distortion_local);
%% --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Embedding simulator simulates the embedding made by the best possible ternary coding method (it embeds on the entropy bound).
% This can be achieved in practice using "Multi-layered syndrome-trellis codes" (ML STC) that are asymptotically aproaching the bound.
function [y] = EmbeddingSimulator(x, rhoP1, rhoM1, m, fixEmbeddingChanges)
n = numel(x);
lambda = calc_lambda(rhoP1, rhoM1, m, n);
pChangeP1 = (exp(-lambda .* rhoP1))./(1 + exp(-lambda .* rhoP1) + exp(-lambda .* rhoM1));
pChangeM1 = (exp(-lambda .* rhoM1))./(1 + exp(-lambda .* rhoP1) + exp(-lambda .* rhoM1));
if fixEmbeddingChanges == 1
randChange = rand(size(x));
y = x;
y(randChange < pChangeP1) = y(randChange < pChangeP1) + 1;
y(randChange >= pChangeP1 & randChange < pChangeP1+pChangeM1) = y(randChange >= pChangeP1 & randChange < pChangeP1+pChangeM1) - 1;
function lambda = calc_lambda(rhoP1, rhoM1, message_length, n)
l3 = 1e+3;
m3 = double(message_length + 1);
iterations = 0;
while m3 > message_length
l3 = l3 * 2;
pP1 = (exp(-l3 .* rhoP1))./(1 + exp(-l3 .* rhoP1) + exp(-l3 .* rhoM1));
pM1 = (exp(-l3 .* rhoM1))./(1 + exp(-l3 .* rhoP1) + exp(-l3 .* rhoM1));
m3 = ternary_entropyf(pP1, pM1);
iterations = iterations + 1;
if (iterations > 10)
lambda = l3;
l1 = 0;
m1 = double(n);
lambda = 0;
alpha = double(message_length)/n;
% limit search to 30 iterations
% and require that relative payload embedded is roughly within 1/1000 of the required relative payload
while (double(m1-m3)/n > alpha/1000.0 ) && (iterations<30)
lambda = l1+(l3-l1)/2;
pP1 = (exp(-lambda .* rhoP1))./(1 + exp(-lambda .* rhoP1) + exp(-lambda .* rhoM1));
pM1 = (exp(-lambda .* rhoM1))./(1 + exp(-lambda .* rhoP1) + exp(-lambda .* rhoM1));
m2 = ternary_entropyf(pP1, pM1);
if m2 < message_length
l3 = lambda;
m3 = m2;
l1 = lambda;
m1 = m2;
iterations = iterations + 1;
function Ht = ternary_entropyf(pP1, pM1)
p0 = 1-pP1-pM1;
P = [p0(:); pP1(:); pM1(:)];
H = -((P).*log2(P));
H((P<eps) | (P > 1-eps)) = 0;
Ht = sum(H);