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2021-12-30 11:48:37 +00:00
# imports
import json
import time
import pickle
import scipy.misc
import caffe
import numpy as np
import os.path as osp
from random import shuffle
#from PIL import Image
import matplotlib.image as mpimg
class AugmentDataLayerSync(caffe.Layer):
This is a simple syncronous datalayer for inputting the augmented data layer on the fly
def setup(self, bottom, top):
self.top_names = ['data', 'label']
# === Read input parameters ===
# params is a python dictionary with layer parameters.
params = eval(self.param_str)
# Check the paramameters for validity.
# store input as class variables
self.batch_size = params['batch_size']
# Create a batch loader to load the images.
self.batch_loader = BatchLoader( params, None )
# === reshape tops ===
# since we use a fixed input image size, we can shape the data layer
# once. Else, we'd have to do it in the reshape call.
top[0].reshape( self.batch_size,
params['im_shape'][1] )
# Ground truth
print_info( "AugmentStegoDataLayerSync", params )
def forward(self, bottom, top):
Load data.
for itt in range(self.batch_size):
# Use the batch loader to load the next image.
im, label = self.batch_loader.load_next_image()
# Add directly to the caffe data layer
top[0].data[itt, 0, :, :] = im
top[1].data[itt] = label
def reshape(self, bottom, top):
There is no need to reshape the data, since the input is of fixed size
(rows and columns)
def backward(self, top, propagate_down, bottom):
These layers does not back propagate
class BatchLoader(object):
This class abstracts away the loading of images.
Images can either be loaded singly, or in a batch. The latter is used for
the asyncronous data layer to preload batches while other processing is
def __init__(self, params, result):
self.result = result
self.batch_size = params['batch_size']
self.root = params['root']
self.im_shape = params['im_shape']
self.trainMode = ( params['split'] == 'train' ) # determine the mode, if test, no augment
# get list of image indexes.
list_file = params['split'] + '.txt'
TXT_FILE = osp.join( self.root, list_file )
txt_lines = [ line.rstrip('\n') for line in open( TXT_FILE ) ]
total_size = len( txt_lines )
assert total_size%2 == 0, "total_size must be even"
self.images = []
self.labels = np.zeros( ( total_size, ), dtype = np.int64 )
self.indexlist = range( total_size )
for i in np.arange(total_size):
tmp = txt_lines[i].split()
self.labels[i] = int(tmp[1])
self._cur = 0 # current image
self._epoch = 0 # current epoch count, also used as the randomization seed
self._flp = 1 # Augment flip number,
self._rot = 0 # Augment rotation number
print "BatchLoader initialized with {} images".format(len(self.indexlist))
def load_next_image( self ):
Load the next image in a batch
# Did we finish an epoch
if self._cur == len(self.indexlist):
self._epoch += 1
l = np.random.seed( self._epoch ) #randomize, aslo reproducible
l = np.random.permutation( len(self.indexlist)/2 )
l2 = np.vstack( ( 2*l, 2*l + 1 )).T
self.indexlist = l2.reshape(len(self.indexlist),)
self._cur = 0
# Index list
index = self.indexlist[self._cur]
#load an image
image_file_name = self.images[index]
im = np.asarray( mpimg.imread( image_file_name ))
#Determine the new fliplr and rot90 status, used it in the stego
if ( self.trainMode ):
if ( self._cur % 2 == 0 ):
self._flp = np.random.choice(2)*2 - 1
self._rot = np.random.randint(4)
im = im[:,::self._flp]
im = np.rot90(im, self._rot)
#load the ground truth
label = self.labels[index]
self._cur += 1
return im, label
def check_params(params):
A utility function to check the parameters for the data layers.
assert 'split' in params.keys(
), 'Params must include split (train, val, or test).'
required = ['batch_size', 'root', 'im_shape']
for r in required:
assert r in params.keys(), 'Params must include {}'.format(r)
def print_info(name, params):
Ouput some info regarding the class
print "{} initialized for split: {}, with bs: {}, im_shape: {}.".format(