function obj = fromSimpleNN(net, varargin) % FROMSIMPLENN Initialize a DagNN object from a SimpleNN network % FROMSIMPLENN(NET) initializes the DagNN object from the % specified CNN using the SimpleNN format. % % SimpleNN objects are linear chains of computational layers. These % layers exchange information through variables and parameters that % are not explicitly named. Hence, FROMSIMPLENN() uses a number of % rules to assign such names automatically: % % * From the input to the output of the CNN, variables are called % `x0` (input of the first layer), `x1`, `x2`, .... In this % manner `xi` is the output of the i-th layer. % % * Any loss layer requires two inputs, the second being a label. % These are called `label` (for the first such layers), and then % `label2`, `label3`,... for any other similar layer. % % Additionally, given the option `CanonicalNames` the function can % change the names of some variables to make them more convenient to % use. With this option turned on: % % * The network input is called `input` instead of `x0`. % % * The output of each SoftMax layer is called `prob` (or `prob2`, % ...). % % * The output of each Loss layer is called `objective` (or ` % objective2`, ...). % % * The input of each SoftMax or Loss layer of type *softmax log % loss* is called `prediction` (or `prediction2`, ...). If a Loss % layer immediately follows a SoftMax layer, then the rule above % takes precendence and the input name is not changed. % % FROMSIMPLENN(___, 'OPT', VAL, ...) accepts the following options: % % `CanonicalNames`:: false % If `true` use the rules above to assign more meaningful % names to some of the variables. % Copyright (C) 2015 Karel Lenc and Andrea Vedaldi. % All rights reserved. % % This file is part of the VLFeat library and is made available under % the terms of the BSD license (see the COPYING file). opts.canonicalNames = false ; opts = vl_argparse(opts, varargin) ; import dagnn.* obj = DagNN() ; net = vl_simplenn_move(net, 'cpu') ; net = vl_simplenn_tidy(net) ; % copy meta-information as is obj.meta = net.meta ; for l = 1:numel(net.layers) inputs = {sprintf('x%d',l-1)} ; outputs = {sprintf('x%d',l)} ; params = struct(... 'name', {}, ... 'value', {}, ... 'learningRate', [], ... 'weightDecay', []) ; if isfield(net.layers{l}, 'name') name = net.layers{l}.name ; else name = sprintf('layer%d',l) ; end switch net.layers{l}.type case {'conv', 'convt'} sz = size(net.layers{l}.weights{1}) ; hasBias = ~isempty(net.layers{l}.weights{2}) ; params(1).name = sprintf('%sf',name) ; params(1).value = net.layers{l}.weights{1} ; if hasBias params(2).name = sprintf('%sb',name) ; params(2).value = net.layers{l}.weights{2} ; end if isfield(net.layers{l},'learningRate') params(1).learningRate = net.layers{l}.learningRate(1) ; if hasBias params(2).learningRate = net.layers{l}.learningRate(2) ; end end if isfield(net.layers{l},'weightDecay') params(1).weightDecay = net.layers{l}.weightDecay(1) ; if hasBias params(2).weightDecay = net.layers{l}.weightDecay(2) ; end end switch net.layers{l}.type case 'conv' block = Conv() ; block.size = sz ; block.pad = net.layers{l}.pad ; block.stride = net.layers{l}.stride ; case 'convt' block = ConvTranspose() ; block.size = sz ; block.upsample = net.layers{l}.upsample ; block.crop = net.layers{l}.crop ; block.numGroups = net.layers{l}.numGroups ; end block.hasBias = hasBias ; block.opts = net.layers{l}.opts ; case 'pool' block = Pooling() ; block.method = net.layers{l}.method ; block.poolSize = net.layers{l}.pool ; block.pad = net.layers{l}.pad ; block.stride = net.layers{l}.stride ; block.opts = net.layers{l}.opts ; case 'phasesplit' block = PhaseSplit(); case {'normalize', 'lrn'} block = LRN() ; block.param = net.layers{l}.param ; case {'dropout'} block = DropOut() ; block.rate = net.layers{l}.rate ; case {'relu'} block = ReLU() ; block.leak = net.layers{l}.leak ; case {'sigmoid'} block = Sigmoid() ; case {'abs'} block = Abs(); case {'tanh'} block = TanH(); case {'tlu'} block = TLU(); case {'softmax'} block = SoftMax() ; case {'softmaxloss'} block = Loss('loss', 'softmaxlog') ; % The loss has two inputs inputs{2} = getNewVarName(obj, 'label') ; case {'l2'} block = Loss('loss', 'l2') ; % The loss has two inputs inputs{2} = getNewVarName(obj, 'label') ; case {'bnorm'} block = BatchNorm() ; params(1).name = sprintf('%sm',name) ; params(1).value = net.layers{l}.weights{1} ; params(2).name = sprintf('%sb',name) ; params(2).value = net.layers{l}.weights{2} ; params(3).name = sprintf('%sx',name) ; params(3).value = net.layers{l}.weights{3} ; if isfield(net.layers{l},'learningRate') params(1).learningRate = net.layers{l}.learningRate(1) ; params(2).learningRate = net.layers{l}.learningRate(2) ; params(3).learningRate = net.layers{l}.learningRate(3) ; end if isfield(net.layers{l},'weightDecay') params(1).weightDecay = net.layers{l}.weightDecay(1) ; params(2).weightDecay = net.layers{l}.weightDecay(2) ; params(3).weightDecay = 0 ; end otherwise error([net.layers{l}.type ' is unsupported']) ; end obj.addLayer(... name, ... block, ... inputs, ... outputs, ... {}) ; for p = 1:numel(params) pindex = obj.getParamIndex(params(p).name) ; if ~isempty(params(p).value) obj.params(pindex).value = params(p).value ; end if ~isempty(params(p).learningRate) obj.params(pindex).learningRate = params(p).learningRate ; end if ~isempty(params(p).weightDecay) obj.params(pindex).weightDecay = params(p).weightDecay ; end end end % -------------------------------------------------------------------- % Rename variables to canonical names % -------------------------------------------------------------------- if opts.canonicalNames for l = 1:numel(obj.layers) if l == 1 obj.renameVar(obj.layers(l).inputs{1}, 'input') ; end if isa(obj.layers(l).block, 'dagnn.SoftMax') obj.renameVar(obj.layers(l).outputs{1}, getNewVarName(obj, 'prob')) ; obj.renameVar(obj.layers(l).inputs{1}, getNewVarName(obj, 'prediction')) ; end if isa(obj.layers(l).block, 'dagnn.Loss') %|| isa(obj.layers(l).block, 'dagnn.L2Dist') obj.renameVar(obj.layers(l).outputs{1}, 'objective') ; if isempty(regexp(obj.layers(l).inputs{1}, '^prob.*')) obj.renameVar(obj.layers(l).inputs{1}, ... getNewVarName(obj, 'prediction')) ; end end end end % -------------------------------------------------------------------- function name = getNewVarName(obj, prefix) % -------------------------------------------------------------------- t = 0 ; name = prefix ; while any(strcmp(name, {})) t = t + 1 ; name = sprintf('%s%d', prefix, t) ; end