function [stats, state] = test_phaseaware(varargin) % Test the phasesplit net opts.batchSize = 40; opts.expDir = fullfile('data', 'JUNI-7504-PNet-dagnn-40-Seed-0-log_short') ; opts.testEpoch = 40; opts.testSelect = [0, 1, 1]; % (1) training; (2)validation; (3), testing opts.saveResult = true; opts.bnRefine = true; opts = vl_argparse( opts, varargin ); opts.imdbPath = fullfile(opts.expDir, 'imdb.mat'); opts.train = struct('gpus', [1, 2], 'cudnn', true, 'stegoShuffle', false ) ; %opts.train = struct('gpus', [], 'stegoShuffle', true) ; // CPU debugging if ~isfield(opts.train, 'gpus'), opts.train.gpus = []; end; % put it to drawing if ( ~exist( opts.expDir, 'dir' ) ) error('expDir is empty' ); end % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Find the data base % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- if exist(opts.imdbPath, 'file') imdb = load(opts.imdbPath) ; else error(' cannot find imdb' ); end meta.inputSize = [512, 512, 1, opts.batchSize]; [state, stats] = cnn_test_dag(imdb, getBatchFn( opts, meta ), ... 'expDir', opts.expDir, ... 'batchSize', opts.batchSize, ... 'testEpoch', opts.testEpoch, ... 'testSelect', opts.testSelect, ... 'saveResult', opts.saveResult, ... 'bnRefine', opts.bnRefine, ... opts.train ) ; % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- function fn = getBatchFn(opts, meta) % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- bopts.useGpu = numel(opts.train.gpus) > 0 ; bopts.imageSize = meta.inputSize; fn = @(x,y) getDagNNBatch(bopts,x,y) ; % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- function inputs = getDagNNBatch(opts, imdb, batch) % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % label labels = imdb.images.label(1,batch) ; % images images = zeros(opts.imageSize(1), opts.imageSize(2), ... opts.imageSize(3), numel(batch), 'single') ; for i = 1:numel(batch) % imt = imread({batch(i)}); % images(:,:,:,i) = single(imt); imt = load({batch(i)}, 'im'); images(:,:,:,i) = single(; end if opts.useGpu > 0 images = gpuArray(images) ; end inputs = {'input', images, 'label', labels} ;