function [net, info] = cnn_phaseaware(varargin) %CNN_PHASEAWARE Demonstrates training a PhaseAwareNet on JUNI and UED run(fullfile(fileparts(mfilename('fullpath')), ... '..', '..', 'matlab', 'vl_setupnn.m')) ; opts.modelType = 'PNet'; opts.seed = 0; opts.networkType = 'dagnn' ; opts.batchSize = 40; opts.lrSequence = 'log_short'; opts.printDotFile = true; opts.coverPath = 'C:\DeepLearning\matconvnet-1.0-beta20\data\JStego\75_mat'; opts.stegoPath = 'C:\DeepLearning\matconvnet-1.0-beta20\data\JStego\JUNI_0.4_mat'; sfx = [opts.modelType, '-', opts.networkType, '-', num2str(opts.batchSize), ... '-Seed-', num2str(opts.seed), '-', opts.lrSequence] ; opts.expDir = fullfile('data', ['JUNI-7504-' sfx]) ; % TODO opts.imdbPath = fullfile(opts.expDir, 'imdb.mat'); opts.train = struct('gpus', [1,2], 'cudnn', true, 'stegoShuffle', true, 'computeBNMoment', true) ; if ~isfield(opts.train, 'gpus'), opts.train.gpus = []; end; % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Prepare model % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (strcmpi( opts.modelType, 'PNet' )) net = cnn_phaseaware_PNet_init( 'networkType', opts.networkType, ... 'batchSize', opts.batchSize, ... 'seed', opts.seed, ... 'lrSequence', opts.lrSequence ); elseif (strcmpi( opts.modelType, 'VNet' )) net = cnn_phaseaware_VNet_init( 'networkType', opts.networkType, ... 'batchSize', opts.batchSize, ... 'seed', opts.seed, ... 'lrSequence', opts.lrSequence ); else error('Unknown model type'); end % put it to drawing if ( ~exist( opts.expDir, 'dir' ) ) mkdir( opts.expDir ); end if opts.printDotFile net2dot(net, fullfile( opts.expDir, '' ), ... 'BatchSize', net.meta.trainOpts.batchSize, ... 'Inputs', {'input', [net.meta.inputSize, net.meta.trainOpts.batchSize]}); end % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Prepare data % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- if exist(opts.imdbPath, 'file') imdb = load(opts.imdbPath) ; else imdb = cnn_phaseaware_imdb_setup('coverPath', opts.coverPath, 'stegoPath', opts.stegoPath) ; save(opts.imdbPath, '-struct', 'imdb') ; end % Set the class names in the network = ; net.meta.classes.description = imdb.classes.description ; % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Learn % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- switch opts.networkType case 'dagnn', trainFn = @cnn_train_dag ; otherwise, error('wrong network type'); end [net, info] = trainFn(net, imdb, getBatchFn(opts, net.meta), ... 'expDir', opts.expDir, ... net.meta.trainOpts, ... opts.train) ; modelPath = fullfile(opts.expDir, 'net-deployed.mat'); switch opts.networkType case 'dagnn' net_ = net.saveobj() ; save(modelPath, '-struct', 'net_') ; clear net_ ; end % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- function fn = getBatchFn(opts, meta) % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- bopts.useGpu = numel(opts.train.gpus) > 0 ; bopts.imageSize = meta.inputSize; switch lower(opts.networkType) case 'dagnn' fn = @(x,y) getDagNNBatch(bopts,x,y) ; end % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- function inputs = getDagNNBatch(opts, imdb, batch) % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % label labels = imdb.images.label(1,batch) ; % images images = zeros(opts.imageSize(1), opts.imageSize(2), ... opts.imageSize(3), numel(batch), 'single') ; for i = 1:numel(batch)/2 % cover = imread({batch(2*i-1)}); % stego = imread({batch(2*i)}); imt = load({batch(2*i-1)}, 'im'); cover = single(; imt = load({batch(2*i)}, 'im'); stego = single(; % random rotate, 0, 90, 180, 270 r = randi(4) - 1; cover = rot90( cover, r ); stego = rot90( stego, r ); % random mirror flip if ( rand > 0.5 ) cover = fliplr( cover ); stego = fliplr( stego ); end images(:,:,:,2*i-1) = single(cover); images(:,:,:,2*i) = single(stego); end if opts.useGpu > 0 images = gpuArray(images) ; end inputs = {'input', images, 'label', labels} ;