function f = SRM(IMAGE) % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Copyright (c) 2011 DDE Lab, Binghamton University, NY. % All Rights Reserved. % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for % educational, research and non-profit purposes, without fee, and without a % written agreement is hereby granted, provided that this copyright notice % appears in all copies. The program is supplied "as is," without any % accompanying services from DDE Lab. DDE Lab does not warrant the % operation of the program will be uninterrupted or error-free. The % end-user understands that the program was developed for research purposes % and is advised not to rely exclusively on the program for any reason. In % no event shall Binghamton University or DDE Lab be liable to any party % for direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages, % including lost profits, arising out of the use of this software. DDE Lab % disclaims any warranties, and has no obligations to provide maintenance, % support, updates, enhancements or modifications. % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Contact: | | October 2011 % % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Extracts all 106 submodels presented in [1] as part of a rich model for % steganalysis of digital images. All features are calculated in the % spatial domain and are stored in a structured variable 'f'. For more % deatils about the individual submodels, please see the publication [1]. % Total dimensionality of all 106 submodels is 34671. % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Input: IMAGE ... path to the image (can be JPEG) % Output: f ....... extracted SRM features in a structured format % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % [1] Rich Models for Steganalysis of Digital Images, J. Fridrich and J. % Kodovsky, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 2011. % Under review. % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- X = double(imread(IMAGE)); f = post_processing(all1st(X,1),'f1',1); % 1st order, q=1 f = post_processing(all1st(X,2),'f1',2,f); % 1st order, q=2 for q=[1 1.5 2], f = post_processing(all2nd(X,q*2),'f2',q,f); end % 2nd order for q=[1 1.5 2], f = post_processing(all3rd(X,q*3),'f3',q,f); end % 3rd order for q=[1 1.5 2], f = post_processing(all3x3(X,q*4),'f3x3',q,f); end % 3x3 for q=[1 1.5 2], f = post_processing(all5x5(X,q*12),'f5x5',q,f); end % 5x5 function RESULT = post_processing(DATA,f,q,RESULT) Ss = fieldnames(DATA); for Sid = 1:length(Ss) VARNAME = [f '_' Ss{Sid} '_q' strrep(num2str(q),'.','')]; eval(['RESULT.' VARNAME ' = reshape(single(DATA.' Ss{Sid} '),1,[]);' ]) end % symmetrize L = fieldnames(RESULT); for i=1:length(L) name = L{i}; % feature name if name(1)=='s', continue; end [T,N,Q] = parse_feaname(name); if strcmp(T,''), continue; end % symmetrization if strcmp(N(1:3),'min') || strcmp(N(1:3),'max') % minmax symmetrization OUT = ['s' T(2:end) '_minmax' N(4:end) '_' Q]; if isfield(RESULT,OUT), continue; end eval(['Fmin = RESULT.' strrep(name,'max','min') ';']); eval(['Fmax = RESULT.' strrep(name,'min','max') ';']); F = symfea([Fmin Fmax]',2,4,'mnmx')'; %#ok<*NASGU> eval(['RESULT.' OUT ' = single(F);' ]); elseif strcmp(N(1:4),'spam') % spam symmetrization OUT = ['s' T(2:end) '_' N '_' Q]; if isfield(RESULT,OUT), continue; end eval(['Fold = RESULT.' name ';']); F = symm1(Fold',2,4)'; eval(['RESULT.' OUT ' = single(F);' ]); end end % delete RESULT.f* L = fieldnames(RESULT); for i=1:length(L) name = L{i}; % feature name if name(1)=='f' RESULT = rmfield(RESULT,name); end end % merge spam features L = fieldnames(RESULT); for i=1:length(L) name = L{i}; % feature name [T,N,Q] = parse_feaname(name); if ~strcmp(N(1:4),'spam'), continue; end if strcmp(T,''), continue; end if strcmp(N(end),'v')||(strcmp(N,'spam11')&&strcmp(T,'s5x5')) elseif strcmp(N(end),'h') % h+v union OUT = [T '_' N 'v_' Q ]; if isfield(RESULT,OUT), continue; end name2 = strrep(name,'h_','v_'); eval(['Fh = RESULT.' name ';']); eval(['Fv = RESULT.' name2 ';']); eval(['RESULT.' OUT ' = [Fh Fv];']); RESULT = rmfield(RESULT,name); RESULT = rmfield(RESULT,name2); elseif strcmp(N,'spam11') % KBKV creation OUT = ['s35_' N '_' Q]; if isfield(RESULT,OUT), continue; end name1 = strrep(name,'5x5','3x3'); name2 = strrep(name,'3x3','5x5'); if ~isfield(RESULT,name1), continue; end if ~isfield(RESULT,name2), continue; end eval(['F_KB = RESULT.' name1 ';']); eval(['F_KV = RESULT.' name2 ';']); eval(['RESULT.' OUT ' = [F_KB F_KV];']); RESULT = rmfield(RESULT,name1); RESULT = rmfield(RESULT,name2); end end function [T,N,Q] = parse_feaname(name) [T,N,Q] = deal(''); P = strfind(name,'_'); if length(P)~=2, return; end T = name(1:P(1)-1); N = name(P(1)+1:P(2)-1); Q = name(P(2)+1:end); function g = all1st(X,q) % % X must be a matrix of doubles or singles (the image) and q is the % quantization step (any positive number). % % Recommended values of q are c, 1.5c, 2c, where c is the central % coefficient in the differential (at X(I,J)). % % This function outputs co-occurrences of ALL 1st-order residuals % listed in Figure 1 in our journal HUGO paper (version from June 14), % including the naming convention. % % List of outputted features: % % 1a) spam14h % 1b) spam14v (orthogonal-spam) % 1c) minmax22v % 1d) minmax24 % 1e) minmax34v % 1f) minmax41 % 1g) minmax34 % 1h) minmax48h % 1i) minmax54 % % Naming convention: % % name = {type}{f}{sigma}{scan} % type \in {spam, minmax} % f \in {1,2,3,4,5} number of filters that are "minmaxed" % sigma \in {1,2,3,4,8} symmetry index % scan \in {h,v,\emptyset} scan of the cooc matrix (empty = sum of both % h and v scans). % % All odd residuals are implemented the same way simply by % narrowing the range for I and J and replacing the residuals -- % -- they should "stick out" (trcet) in the same direction as % the 1st order ones. For example, for the 3rd order: % % RU = -X(I-2,J+2)+3*X(I-1,J+1)-3*X(I,J)+X(I+1,J-1); ... etc. % % Note1: The term X(I,J) should always have the "-" sign. % Note2: This script does not include s, so, cout, cin versions (weak). % This function calls Cooc.m and Quant.m [M N] = size(X); [I,J,T,order] = deal(2:M-1,2:N-1,2,4); % Variable names are self-explanatory (R = right, U = up, L = left, D = down) [R,L,U,D] = deal(X(I,J+1)-X(I,J),X(I,J-1)-X(I,J),X(I-1,J)-X(I,J),X(I+1,J)-X(I,J)); [Rq,Lq,Uq,Dq] = deal(Quant(R,q,T),Quant(L,q,T),Quant(U,q,T),Quant(D,q,T)); [RU,LU,RD,LD] = deal(X(I-1,J+1)-X(I,J),X(I-1,J-1)-X(I,J),X(I+1,J+1)-X(I,J),X(I+1,J-1)-X(I,J)); [RUq,RDq,LUq,LDq] = deal(Quant(RU,q,T),Quant(RD,q,T),Quant(LU,q,T),Quant(LD,q,T)); % minmax22h -- to be symmetrized as mnmx, directional, hv-nonsymmetrical. [RLq_min,UDq_min,RLq_max,UDq_max] = deal(min(Rq,Lq),min(Uq,Dq),max(Rq,Lq),max(Uq,Dq)); g.min22h = reshape(Cooc(RLq_min,order,'hor',T) + Cooc(UDq_min,order,'ver',T),[],1); g.max22h = reshape(Cooc(RLq_max,order,'hor',T) + Cooc(UDq_max,order,'ver',T),[],1); % minmax34h -- to be symmetrized as mnmx, directional, hv-nonsymmetrical [Uq_min,Rq_min,Dq_min,Lq_min] = deal(min(min(Lq,Uq),Rq),min(min(Uq,Rq),Dq),min(min(Rq,Dq),Lq),min(min(Dq,Lq),Uq)); [Uq_max,Rq_max,Dq_max,Lq_max] = deal(max(max(Lq,Uq),Rq),max(max(Uq,Rq),Dq),max(max(Rq,Dq),Lq),max(max(Dq,Lq),Uq)); g.min34h = reshape(Cooc([Uq_min;Dq_min],order,'hor',T) + Cooc([Lq_min Rq_min],order,'ver',T),[],1); g.max34h = reshape(Cooc([Uq_max;Dq_max],order,'hor',T) + Cooc([Rq_max Lq_max],order,'ver',T),[],1); % spam14h/v -- to be symmetrized as spam, directional, hv-nonsymmetrical g.spam14h = reshape(Cooc(Rq,order,'hor',T) + Cooc(Uq,order,'ver',T),[],1); g.spam14v = reshape(Cooc(Rq,order,'ver',T) + Cooc(Uq,order,'hor',T),[],1); % minmax22v -- to be symmetrized as mnmx, directional, hv-nonsymmetrical. Good with higher-order residuals! Note: 22h is bad (too much neighborhood overlap). g.min22v = reshape(Cooc(RLq_min,order,'ver',T) + Cooc(UDq_min,order,'hor',T),[],1); g.max22v = reshape(Cooc(RLq_max,order,'ver',T) + Cooc(UDq_max,order,'hor',T),[],1); % minmax24 -- to be symmetrized as mnmx, directional, hv-symmetrical. Darn good, too. [RUq_min,RDq_min,LUq_min,LDq_min] = deal(min(Rq,Uq),min(Rq,Dq),min(Lq,Uq),min(Lq,Dq)); [RUq_max,RDq_max,LUq_max,LDq_max] = deal(max(Rq,Uq),max(Rq,Dq),max(Lq,Uq),max(Lq,Dq)); g.min24 = reshape(Cooc([RUq_min;RDq_min;LUq_min;LDq_min],order,'hor',T) + Cooc([RUq_min RDq_min LUq_min LDq_min],order,'ver',T),[],1); g.max24 = reshape(Cooc([RUq_max;RDq_max;LUq_max;LDq_max],order,'hor',T) + Cooc([RUq_max RDq_max LUq_max LDq_max],order,'ver',T),[],1); % minmax34v -- v works well, h does not, to be symmetrized as mnmx, directional, hv-nonsymmetrical g.min34v = reshape(Cooc([Uq_min Dq_min],order,'ver',T) + Cooc([Rq_min;Lq_min],order,'hor',T),[],1); g.max34v = reshape(Cooc([Uq_max Dq_max],order,'ver',T) + Cooc([Rq_max;Lq_max],order,'hor',T),[],1); % minmax41 -- to be symmetrized as mnmx, non-directional, hv-symmetrical [R_min,R_max] = deal(min(RLq_min,UDq_min),max(RLq_max,UDq_max)); g.min41 = reshape(Cooc(R_min,order,'hor',T) + Cooc(R_min,order,'ver',T),[],1); g.max41 = reshape(Cooc(R_max,order,'hor',T) + Cooc(R_max,order,'ver',T),[],1); % minmax34 -- good, to be symmetrized as mnmx, directional, hv-symmetrical [RUq_min,RDq_min,LUq_min,LDq_min] = deal(min(RUq_min,RUq),min(RDq_min,RDq),min(LUq_min,LUq),min(LDq_min,LDq)); [RUq_max,RDq_max,LUq_max,LDq_max] = deal(max(RUq_max,RUq),max(RDq_max,RDq),max(LUq_max,LUq),max(LDq_max,LDq)); g.min34 = reshape(Cooc([RUq_min;RDq_min;LUq_min;LDq_min],order,'hor',T) + Cooc([RUq_min RDq_min LUq_min LDq_min],order,'ver',T),[],1); g.max34 = reshape(Cooc([RUq_max;RDq_max;LUq_max;LDq_max],order,'hor',T) + Cooc([RUq_max RDq_max LUq_max LDq_max],order,'ver',T),[],1); % minmax48h -- h better than v, to be symmetrized as mnmx, directional, hv-nonsymmetrical. 48v is almost as good as 48h; for 3rd-order but weaker for 1st-order. Here, I am outputting both but Figure 1 in our paper lists only 48h. [RUq_min2,RDq_min2,LDq_min2,LUq_min2] = deal(min(RUq_min,LUq),min(RDq_min,RUq),min(LDq_min,RDq),min(LUq_min,LDq)); [RUq_min3,RDq_min3,LDq_min3,LUq_min3] = deal(min(RUq_min,RDq),min(RDq_min,LDq),min(LDq_min,LUq),min(LUq_min,RUq)); g.min48h = reshape(Cooc([RUq_min2;LDq_min2;RDq_min3;LUq_min3],order,'hor',T) + Cooc([RDq_min2 LUq_min2 RUq_min3 LDq_min3],order,'ver',T),[],1); g.min48v = reshape(Cooc([RDq_min2;LUq_min2;RUq_min3;LDq_min3],order,'hor',T) + Cooc([RUq_min2 LDq_min2 RDq_min3 LUq_min3],order,'ver',T),[],1); [RUq_max2,RDq_max2,LDq_max2,LUq_max2] = deal(max(RUq_max,LUq),max(RDq_max,RUq),max(LDq_max,RDq),max(LUq_max,LDq)); [RUq_max3,RDq_max3,LDq_max3,LUq_max3] = deal(max(RUq_max,RDq),max(RDq_max,LDq),max(LDq_max,LUq),max(LUq_max,RUq)); g.max48h = reshape(Cooc([RUq_max2;LDq_max2;RDq_max3;LUq_max3],order,'hor',T) + Cooc([RDq_max2 LUq_max2 RUq_max3 LDq_max3],order,'ver',T),[],1); g.max48v = reshape(Cooc([RDq_max2;LUq_max2;RUq_max3;LDq_max3],order,'hor',T) + Cooc([RUq_max2 LDq_max2 RDq_max3 LUq_max3],order,'ver',T),[],1); % minmax54 -- to be symmetrized as mnmx, directional, hv-symmetrical [RUq_min4,RDq_min4,LDq_min4,LUq_min4] = deal(min(RUq_min2,RDq),min(RDq_min2,LDq),min(LDq_min2,LUq),min(LUq_min2,RUq)); [RUq_min5,RDq_min5,LDq_min5,LUq_min5] = deal(min(RUq_min3,LUq),min(RDq_min3,RUq),min(LDq_min3,RDq),min(LUq_min3,LDq)); g.min54 = reshape(Cooc([RUq_min4;LDq_min4;RDq_min5;LUq_min5],order,'hor',T) + Cooc([RDq_min4 LUq_min4 RUq_min5 LDq_min5],order,'ver',T),[],1); [RUq_max4,RDq_max4,LDq_max4,LUq_max4] = deal(max(RUq_max2,RDq),max(RDq_max2,LDq),max(LDq_max2,LUq),max(LUq_max2,RUq)); [RUq_max5,RDq_max5,LDq_max5,LUq_max5] = deal(max(RUq_max3,LUq),max(RDq_max3,RUq),max(LDq_max3,RDq),max(LUq_max3,LDq)); g.max54 = reshape(Cooc([RUq_max4;LDq_max4;RDq_max5;LUq_max5],order,'hor',T) + Cooc([RDq_max4 LUq_max4 RUq_max5 LDq_max5],order,'ver',T),[],1); function g = all2nd(X,q) % % X must be a matrix of doubles or singles (the image) and q is the % quantization step (any positive number). % % Recommended values of q are c, 1.5c, 2c, where c is the central % coefficient in the differential (at X(I,J)). % % This function outputs co-occurrences of ALL 2nd-order residuals % listed in Figure 1 in our journal HUGO paper (version from June 14), % including the naming convention. % % List of outputted features: % % 1a) spam12h % 1b) spam12v (orthogonal-spam) % 1c) minmax21 % 1d) minmax41 % 1e) minmax24h (24v is also outputted but not listed in Figure 1) % 1f) minmax32 % % Naming convention: % % name = {type}{f}{sigma}{scan} % type \in {spam, minmax} % f \in {1,2,3,4,5} number of filters that are "minmaxed" % sigma \in {1,2,3,4,8} symmetry index % scan \in {h,v,\emptyset} scan of the cooc matrix (empty = sum of both % h and v scans). % % All even residuals are implemented the same way simply by % narrowing the range for I and J and replacing the residuals. % % Note1: The term X(I,J) should always have the "-" sign. % Note2: This script does not include s, so, cout, cin versions (weak). % % This function calls Residual.m, Cooc.m, and Quant.m [T,order] = deal(2,4); % 2nd-order residuals are implemented using Residual.m [Dh,Dv,Dd,Dm] = deal(Residual(X,2,'hor'),Residual(X,2,'ver'),Residual(X,2,'diag'),Residual(X,2,'mdiag')); [Yh,Yv,Yd,Ym] = deal(Quant(Dh,q,T),Quant(Dv,q,T),Quant(Dd,q,T),Quant(Dm,q,T)); % spam12h/v g.spam12h = reshape(Cooc(Yh,order,'hor',T) + Cooc(Yv,order,'ver',T),[],1); g.spam12v = reshape(Cooc(Yh,order,'ver',T) + Cooc(Yv,order,'hor',T),[],1); % minmax21 [Dmin,Dmax] = deal(min(Yh,Yv),max(Yh,Yv)); g.min21 = reshape(Cooc(Dmin,order,'hor',T) + Cooc(Dmin,order,'ver',T),[],1); g.max21 = reshape(Cooc(Dmax,order,'hor',T) + Cooc(Dmax,order,'ver',T),[],1); % minmax41 [Dmin2,Dmax2] = deal(min(Dmin,min(Yd,Ym)),max(Dmax,max(Yd,Ym))); g.min41 = reshape(Cooc(Dmin2,order,'hor',T) + Cooc(Dmin2,order,'ver',T),[],1); g.max41 = reshape(Cooc(Dmax2,order,'hor',T) + Cooc(Dmax2,order,'ver',T),[],1); % minmax32 -- good, directional, hv-symmetrical, to be symmetrized as mnmx [RUq_min,RDq_min] = deal(min(Dmin,Ym),min(Dmin,Yd)); [RUq_max,RDq_max] = deal(max(Dmax,Ym),max(Dmax,Yd)); g.min32 = reshape(Cooc([RUq_min;RDq_min],order,'hor',T) + Cooc([RUq_min RDq_min],order,'ver',T),[],1); g.max32 = reshape(Cooc([RUq_max;RDq_max],order,'hor',T) + Cooc([RUq_max RDq_max],order,'ver',T),[],1); % minmax24h,v -- both "not bad," h slightly better, directional, hv-nonsymmetrical, to be symmetrized as mnmx [RUq_min2,RDq_min2,RUq_min3,LUq_min3] = deal(min(Ym,Yh),min(Yd,Yh),min(Ym,Yv),min(Yd,Yv)); g.min24h = reshape(Cooc([RUq_min2;RDq_min2],order,'hor',T)+Cooc([RUq_min3 LUq_min3],order,'ver',T),[],1); g.min24v = reshape(Cooc([RUq_min2 RDq_min2],order,'ver',T)+Cooc([RUq_min3;LUq_min3],order,'hor',T),[],1); [RUq_max2,RDq_max2,RUq_max3,LUq_max3] = deal(max(Ym,Yh),max(Yd,Yh),max(Ym,Yv),max(Yd,Yv)); g.max24h = reshape(Cooc([RUq_max2;RDq_max2],order,'hor',T)+Cooc([RUq_max3 LUq_max3],order,'ver',T),[],1); g.max24v = reshape(Cooc([RUq_max2 RDq_max2],order,'ver',T)+Cooc([RUq_max3;LUq_max3],order,'hor',T),[],1); function g = all3rd(X,q) % % X must be a matrix of doubles or singles (the image) and q is the % quantization step (any positive number). % % Recommended values of q are c, 1.5c, 2c, where c is the central % coefficient in the differential (at X(I,J)). % % This function outputs co-occurrences of ALL 3rd-order residuals % listed in Figure 1 in our journal HUGO paper (version from June 14), % including the naming convention. % % List of outputted features: % % 1a) spam14h % 1b) spam14v (orthogonal-spam) % 1c) minmax22v % 1d) minmax24 % 1e) minmax34v % 1f) minmax41 % 1g) minmax34 % 1h) minmax48h % 1i) minmax54 % % Naming convention: % % name = {type}{f}{sigma}{scan} % type \in {spam, minmax} % f \in {1,2,3,4,5} number of filters that are "minmaxed" % sigma \in {1,2,3,4,8} symmetry index % scan \in {h,v,\emptyset} scan of the cooc matrix (empty = sum of both % h and v scans). % % All odd residuals are implemented the same way simply by % narrowing the range for I and J and replacing the residuals -- % -- they should "stick out" (trcet) in the same direction as % the 1st order ones. For example, for the 3rd order: % % RU = -X(I-2,J+2)+3*X(I-1,J+1)-3*X(I,J)+X(I+1,J-1); ... etc. % % Note1: The term X(I,J) should always have the "-" sign. % Note2: This script does not include s, so, cout, cin versions (weak). [M N] = size(X); [I,J,T,order] = deal(3:M-2,3:N-2,2,4); [R,L,U,D] = deal(-X(I,J+2)+3*X(I,J+1)-3*X(I,J)+X(I,J-1),-X(I,J-2)+3*X(I,J-1)-3*X(I,J)+X(I,J+1),-X(I-2,J)+3*X(I-1,J)-3*X(I,J)+X(I+1,J),-X(I+2,J)+3*X(I+1,J)-3*X(I,J)+X(I-1,J)); [Rq,Lq,Uq,Dq] = deal(Quant(R,q,T),Quant(L,q,T),Quant(U,q,T),Quant(D,q,T)); [RU,LU,RD,LD] = deal(-X(I-2,J+2)+3*X(I-1,J+1)-3*X(I,J)+X(I+1,J-1),-X(I-2,J-2)+3*X(I-1,J-1)-3*X(I,J)+X(I+1,J+1),-X(I+2,J+2)+3*X(I+1,J+1)-3*X(I,J)+X(I-1,J-1),-X(I+2,J-2)+3*X(I+1,J-1)-3*X(I,J)+X(I-1,J+1)); [RUq,RDq,LUq,LDq] = deal(Quant(RU,q,T),Quant(RD,q,T),Quant(LU,q,T),Quant(LD,q,T)); % minmax22h -- to be symmetrized as mnmx, directional, hv-nonsymmetrical [RLq_min,UDq_min] = deal(min(Rq,Lq),min(Uq,Dq)); [RLq_max,UDq_max] = deal(max(Rq,Lq),max(Uq,Dq)); g.min22h = reshape(Cooc(RLq_min,order,'hor',T) + Cooc(UDq_min,order,'ver',T),[],1); g.max22h = reshape(Cooc(RLq_max,order,'hor',T) + Cooc(UDq_max,order,'ver',T),[],1); % minmax34h -- to be symmetrized as mnmx, directional, hv-nonsymmetrical [Uq_min,Rq_min,Dq_min,Lq_min] = deal(min(RLq_min,Uq),min(UDq_min,Rq),min(RLq_min,Dq),min(UDq_min,Lq)); [Uq_max,Rq_max,Dq_max,Lq_max] = deal(max(RLq_max,Uq),max(UDq_max,Rq),max(RLq_max,Dq),max(UDq_max,Lq)); g.min34h = reshape(Cooc([Uq_min;Dq_min],order,'hor',T)+Cooc([Rq_min Lq_min],order,'ver',T),[],1); g.max34h = reshape(Cooc([Uq_max;Dq_max],order,'hor',T)+Cooc([Rq_max Lq_max],order,'ver',T),[],1); % spam14h,v -- to be symmetrized as spam, directional, hv-nonsymmetrical g.spam14h = reshape(Cooc(Rq,order,'hor',T) + Cooc(Uq,order,'ver',T),[],1); g.spam14v = reshape(Cooc(Rq,order,'ver',T) + Cooc(Uq,order,'hor',T),[],1); % minmax22v -- to be symmetrized as mnmx, directional, hv-nonsymmetrical. Good with higher-order residuals! Note: 22h is bad (too much neighborhood overlap). g.min22v = reshape(Cooc(RLq_min,order,'ver',T) + Cooc(UDq_min,order,'hor',T),[],1); g.max22v = reshape(Cooc(RLq_max,order,'ver',T) + Cooc(UDq_max,order,'hor',T),[],1); % minmax24 -- to be symmetrized as mnmx, directional, hv-symmetrical Note: Darn good, too. [RUq_min,RDq_min,LUq_min,LDq_min] = deal(min(Rq,Uq),min(Rq,Dq),min(Lq,Uq),min(Lq,Dq)); [RUq_max,RDq_max,LUq_max,LDq_max] = deal(max(Rq,Uq),max(Rq,Dq),max(Lq,Uq),max(Lq,Dq)); g.min24 = reshape(Cooc([RUq_min;RDq_min;LUq_min;LDq_min],order,'hor',T) + Cooc([RUq_min RDq_min LUq_min LDq_min],order,'ver',T),[],1); g.max24 = reshape(Cooc([RUq_max;RDq_max;LUq_max;LDq_max],order,'hor',T) + Cooc([RUq_max RDq_max LUq_max LDq_max],order,'ver',T),[],1); % minmax34v -- v works well, h does not, to be symmetrized as mnmx, directional, hv-nonsymmetrical g.min34v = reshape(Cooc([Uq_min Dq_min],order,'ver',T) + Cooc([Rq_min;Lq_min],order,'hor',T),[],1); g.max34v = reshape(Cooc([Uq_max Dq_max],order,'ver',T) + Cooc([Rq_max;Lq_max],order,'hor',T),[],1); % minmax41 -- unknown performance as of 6/14/11, to be symmetrized as mnmx, non-directional, hv-symmetrical [R_min,R_max] = deal(min(RUq_min,LDq_min),max(RUq_max,LDq_max)); g.min41 = reshape(Cooc(R_min,order,'hor',T) + Cooc(R_min,order,'ver',T),[],1); g.max41 = reshape(Cooc(R_max,order,'hor',T) + Cooc(R_max,order,'ver',T),[],1); % minmax34 -- good, to be symmetrized as mnmx, directional, hv-symmetrical [RUq_min2,RDq_min2,LUq_min2,LDq_min2] = deal(min(RUq_min,RUq),min(RDq_min,RDq),min(LUq_min,LUq),min(LDq_min,LDq)); [RUq_max2,RDq_max2,LUq_max2,LDq_max2] = deal(max(RUq_max,RUq),max(RDq_max,RDq),max(LUq_max,LUq),max(LDq_max,LDq)); g.min34 = reshape(Cooc([RUq_min2;RDq_min2;LUq_min2;LDq_min2],order,'hor',T) + Cooc([RUq_min2 RDq_min2 LUq_min2 LDq_min2],order,'ver',T),[],1); g.max34 = reshape(Cooc([RUq_max2;RDq_max2;LUq_max2;LDq_max2],order,'hor',T) + Cooc([RUq_max2 RDq_max2 LUq_max2 LDq_max2],order,'ver',T),[],1); % minmax48h -- h better than v, to be symmetrized as mnmx, directional, hv-nonsymmetrical. 48v is almost as good as 48h for 3rd-order but weaker for 1st-order. Here, I am outputting both but Figure 1 in our paper lists only 48h. [RUq_min3,RDq_min3,LDq_min3,LUq_min3] = deal(min(RUq_min2,LUq),min(RDq_min2,RUq),min(LDq_min2,RDq),min(LUq_min2,LDq)); [RUq_min4,RDq_min4,LDq_min4,LUq_min4] = deal(min(RUq_min2,RDq),min(RDq_min2,LDq),min(LDq_min2,LUq),min(LUq_min2,RUq)); g.min48h = reshape(Cooc([RUq_min3;LDq_min3;RDq_min4;LUq_min4],order,'hor',T)+Cooc([RDq_min3 LUq_min3 RUq_min4 LDq_min4],order,'ver',T),[],1); g.min48v = reshape(Cooc([RUq_min3 LDq_min3 RDq_min4 LUq_min4],order,'ver',T)+Cooc([RDq_min3;LUq_min3;RUq_min4;LDq_min4],order,'hor',T),[],1); [RUq_max3,RDq_max3,LDq_max3,LUq_max3] = deal(max(RUq_max2,LUq),max(RDq_max2,RUq),max(LDq_max2,RDq),max(LUq_max2,LDq)); [RUq_max4,RDq_max4,LDq_max4,LUq_max4] = deal(max(RUq_max2,RDq),max(RDq_max2,LDq),max(LDq_max2,LUq),max(LUq_max2,RUq)); g.max48h = reshape(Cooc([RUq_max3;LDq_max3;RDq_max4;LUq_max4],order,'hor',T)+Cooc([RDq_max3 LUq_max3 RUq_max4 LDq_max4],order,'ver',T),[],1); g.max48v = reshape(Cooc([RUq_max3 LDq_max3 RDq_max4 LUq_max4],order,'ver',T)+Cooc([RDq_max3;LUq_max3;RUq_max4;LDq_max4],order,'hor',T),[],1); % minmax54 -- to be symmetrized as mnmx, directional, hv-symmetrical [RUq_min5,RDq_min5,LDq_min5,LUq_min5] = deal(min(RUq_min3,RDq),min(RDq_min3,LDq),min(LDq_min3,LUq),min(LUq_min3,RUq)); [RUq_max5,RDq_max5,LDq_max5,LUq_max5] = deal(max(RUq_max3,RDq),max(RDq_max3,LDq),max(LDq_max3,LUq),max(LUq_max3,RUq)); g.min54 = reshape(Cooc([RUq_min5;LDq_min5;RDq_min5;LUq_min5],order,'hor',T) + Cooc([RDq_min5 LUq_min5 RUq_min5 LDq_min5],order,'ver',T),[],1); g.max54 = reshape(Cooc([RUq_max5;LDq_max5;RDq_max5;LUq_max5],order,'hor',T) + Cooc([RDq_max5 LUq_max5 RUq_max5 LDq_max5],order,'ver',T),[],1); function g = all3x3(X,q) % This function outputs co-occurrences of ALL residuals based on the % KB kernel and its "halves" (EDGE residuals) as listed in Figure 1 % in our journal HUGO paper (version from June 14), including the naming % convention. [T,order] = deal(2,4); % spam11 (old name KB residual), good, non-directional, hv-symmetrical, to be symmetrized as spam D = Residual(X,2,'KB'); Y = Quant(D,q,T); g.spam11 = reshape(Cooc(Y,order,'hor',T) + Cooc(Y,order,'ver',T),[],1); % EDGE residuals D = Residual(X,2,'edge-h');Du = D(:,1:size(D,2)/2);Db = D(:,size(D,2)/2+1:end); D = Residual(X,2,'edge-v');Dl = D(:,1:size(D,2)/2);Dr = D(:,size(D,2)/2+1:end); [Yu,Yb,Yl,Yr] = deal(Quant(Du,q,T),Quant(Db,q,T),Quant(Dl,q,T),Quant(Dr,q,T)); % spam14h,v not bad, directional, hv-nonsym, to be symmetrized as spam g.spam14v = reshape(Cooc([Yu Yb],order,'ver',T) + Cooc([Yl;Yr],order,'hor',T),[],1); g.spam14h = reshape(Cooc([Yu;Yb],order,'hor',T) + Cooc([Yl Yr],order,'ver',T),[],1); % minmax24 -- EXCELLENT, directional, hv-sym, to be symmetrized as mnmx [Dmin1,Dmin2,Dmin3,Dmin4] = deal(min(Yu,Yl),min(Yb,Yr),min(Yu,Yr),min(Yb,Yl)); g.min24 = reshape(Cooc([Dmin1 Dmin2 Dmin3 Dmin4],order,'ver',T) + Cooc([Dmin1;Dmin2;Dmin3;Dmin4],order,'hor',T),[],1); [Dmax1,Dmax2,Dmax3,Dmax4] = deal(max(Yu,Yl),max(Yb,Yr),max(Yu,Yr),max(Yb,Yl)); g.max24 = reshape(Cooc([Dmax1 Dmax2 Dmax3 Dmax4],order,'ver',T) + Cooc([Dmax1;Dmax2;Dmax3;Dmax4],order,'hor',T),[],1); % minmax22 - hv-nonsymmetrical % min22h -- good, to be symmetrized as mnmx, directional, hv-nonsymmetrical % min22v -- EXCELLENT - to be symmetrized as mnmx, directional, [UEq_min,REq_min] = deal(min(Yu,Yb),min(Yr,Yl)); g.min22h = reshape(Cooc(UEq_min,order,'hor',T) + Cooc(REq_min,order,'ver',T),[],1); g.min22v = reshape(Cooc(UEq_min,order,'ver',T) + Cooc(REq_min,order,'hor',T),[],1); [UEq_max,REq_max] = deal(max(Yu,Yb),max(Yr,Yl)); g.max22h = reshape(Cooc(UEq_max,order,'hor',T) + Cooc(REq_max,order,'ver',T),[],1); g.max22v = reshape(Cooc(UEq_max,order,'ver',T) + Cooc(REq_max,order,'hor',T),[],1); % minmax41 -- good, non-directional, hv-sym, to be symmetrized as mnmx [Dmin5,Dmax5] = deal(min(Dmin1,Dmin2),max(Dmax1,Dmax2)); g.min41 = reshape(Cooc(Dmin5,order,'ver',T) + Cooc(Dmin5,order,'hor',T),[],1); g.max41 = reshape(Cooc(Dmax5,order,'ver',T) + Cooc(Dmax5,order,'hor',T),[],1); function g = all5x5(X,q) % This function outputs co-occurrences of ALL residuals based on the % KV kernel and its "halves" (EDGE residuals) as listed in Figure 1 % in our journal HUGO paper (version from June 14), including the naming % convention. [M N] = size(X); [I,J,T,order] = deal(3:M-2,3:N-2,2,4); % spam11 (old name KV residual), good, non-directional, hv-symmetrical, to be symmetrized as spam D = Residual(X,3,'KV'); Y = Quant(D,q,T); g.spam11 = reshape(Cooc(Y,order,'hor',T) + Cooc(Y,order,'ver',T),[],1); % EDGE residuals Du = 8*X(I,J-1)+8*X(I-1,J)+8*X(I,J+1)-6*X(I-1,J-1)-6*X(I-1,J+1)-2*X(I,J-2)-2*X(I,J+2)-2*X(I-2,J)+2*X(I-1,J-2)+2*X(I-2,J-1)+2*X(I-2,J+1)+2*X(I-1,J+2)-X(I-2,J-2)-X(I-2,J+2)-12*X(I,J); Dr = 8*X(I-1,J)+8*X(I,J+1)+8*X(I+1,J)-6*X(I-1,J+1)-6*X(I+1,J+1)-2*X(I-2,J)-2*X(I+2,J)-2*X(I,J+2)+2*X(I-2,J+1)+2*X(I-1,J+2)+2*X(I+1,J+2)+2*X(I+2,J+1)-X(I-2,J+2)-X(I+2,J+2)-12*X(I,J); Db = 8*X(I,J+1)+8*X(I+1,J)+8*X(I,J-1)-6*X(I+1,J+1)-6*X(I+1,J-1)-2*X(I,J-2)-2*X(I,J+2)-2*X(I+2,J)+2*X(I+1,J+2)+2*X(I+2,J+1)+2*X(I+2,J-1)+2*X(I+1,J-2)-X(I+2,J+2)-X(I+2,J-2)-12*X(I,J); Dl = 8*X(I+1,J)+8*X(I,J-1)+8*X(I-1,J)-6*X(I+1,J-1)-6*X(I-1,J-1)-2*X(I-2,J)-2*X(I+2,J)-2*X(I,J-2)+2*X(I+2,J-1)+2*X(I+1,J-2)+2*X(I-1,J-2)+2*X(I-2,J-1)-X(I+2,J-2)-X(I-2,J-2)-12*X(I,J); [Yu,Yb,Yl,Yr] = deal(Quant(Du,q,T),Quant(Db,q,T),Quant(Dl,q,T),Quant(Dr,q,T)); % spam14v not bad, directional, hv-nonsym, to be symmetrized as spam g.spam14v = reshape(Cooc([Yu Yb],order,'ver',T) + Cooc([Yl;Yr],order,'hor',T),[],1); g.spam14h = reshape(Cooc([Yu;Yb],order,'hor',T) + Cooc([Yl Yr],order,'ver',T),[],1); % minmax24 -- EXCELLENT, directional, hv-sym, to be symmetrized as mnmx [Dmin1,Dmin2,Dmin3,Dmin4] = deal(min(Yu,Yl),min(Yb,Yr),min(Yu,Yr),min(Yb,Yl)); g.min24 = reshape(Cooc([Dmin1 Dmin2 Dmin3 Dmin4],order,'ver',T) + Cooc([Dmin1;Dmin2;Dmin3;Dmin4],order,'hor',T),[],1); [Dmax1,Dmax2,Dmax3,Dmax4] = deal(max(Yu,Yl),max(Yb,Yr),max(Yu,Yr),max(Yb,Yl)); g.max24 = reshape(Cooc([Dmax1 Dmax2 Dmax3 Dmax4],order,'ver',T) + Cooc([Dmax1;Dmax2;Dmax3;Dmax4],order,'hor',T),[],1); % minmax22 - hv-nonsymmetrical % min22h -- good, to be symmetrized as mnmx, directional, hv-nonsymmetrical % min22v -- EXCELLENT - to be symmetrized as mnmx, directional, [UEq_min,REq_min] = deal(min(Yu,Yb),min(Yr,Yl)); g.min22h = reshape(Cooc(UEq_min,order,'hor',T) + Cooc(REq_min,order,'ver',T),[],1); g.min22v = reshape(Cooc(UEq_min,order,'ver',T) + Cooc(REq_min,order,'hor',T),[],1); [UEq_max,REq_max] = deal(max(Yu,Yb),max(Yr,Yl)); g.max22h = reshape(Cooc(UEq_max,order,'hor',T) + Cooc(REq_max,order,'ver',T),[],1); g.max22v = reshape(Cooc(UEq_max,order,'ver',T) + Cooc(REq_max,order,'hor',T),[],1); % minmax41 -- good, non-directional, hv-sym, to be symmetrized as mnmx [Dmin5,Dmax5] = deal(min(Dmin1,Dmin2),max(Dmax1,Dmax2)); g.min41 = reshape(Cooc(Dmin5,order,'ver',T) + Cooc(Dmin5,order,'hor',T),[],1); g.max41 = reshape(Cooc(Dmax5,order,'ver',T) + Cooc(Dmax5,order,'hor',T),[],1); function f = Cooc(D,order,type,T) % Co-occurrence operator to be appied to a 2D array of residuals D \in [-T,T] % T ... threshold % order ... cooc order \in {1,2,3,4,5} % type ... cooc type \in {hor,ver,diag,mdiag,square,square-ori,hvdm} % f ... an array of size (2T+1)^order B = 2*T+1; if max(abs(D(:))) > T, fprintf('*** ERROR in Cooc.m: Residual out of range ***\n'), end switch order case 1 f = hist(D(:),-T:T); case 2 f = zeros(B,B); if strcmp(type,'hor'), L = D(:,1:end-1); R = D(:,2:end);end if strcmp(type,'ver'), L = D(1:end-1,:); R = D(2:end,:);end if strcmp(type,'diag'), L = D(1:end-1,1:end-1); R = D(2:end,2:end);end if strcmp(type,'mdiag'), L = D(1:end-1,2:end); R = D(2:end,1:end-1);end for i = -T : T R2 = R(L(:)==i); for j = -T : T f(i+T+1,j+T+1) = sum(R2(:)==j); end end case 3 f = zeros(B,B,B); if strcmp(type,'hor'), L = D(:,1:end-2); C = D(:,2:end-1); R = D(:,3:end);end if strcmp(type,'ver'), L = D(1:end-2,:); C = D(2:end-1,:); R = D(3:end,:);end if strcmp(type,'diag'), L = D(1:end-2,1:end-2); C = D(2:end-1,2:end-1); R = D(3:end,3:end);end if strcmp(type,'mdiag'), L = D(1:end-2,3:end); C = D(2:end-1,2:end-1); R = D(3:end,1:end-2);end for i = -T : T C2 = C(L(:)==i); R2 = R(L(:)==i); for j = -T : T R3 = R2(C2(:)==j); for k = -T : T f(i+T+1,j+T+1,k+T+1) = sum(R3(:)==k); end end end case 4 f = zeros(B,B,B,B); if strcmp(type,'hor'), L = D(:,1:end-3); C = D(:,2:end-2); E = D(:,3:end-1); R = D(:,4:end);end if strcmp(type,'ver'), L = D(1:end-3,:); C = D(2:end-2,:); E = D(3:end-1,:); R = D(4:end,:);end if strcmp(type,'diag'), L = D(1:end-3,1:end-3); C = D(2:end-2,2:end-2); E = D(3:end-1,3:end-1); R = D(4:end,4:end);end if strcmp(type,'mdiag'), L = D(4:end,1:end-3); C = D(3:end-1,2:end-2); E = D(2:end-2,3:end-1); R = D(1:end-3,4:end);end if strcmp(type,'square'), L = D(2:end,1:end-1); C = D(2:end,2:end); E = D(1:end-1,2:end); R = D(1:end-1,1:end-1);end if strcmp(type,'square-ori'), [M, N] = size(D); Dh = D(:,1:M); Dv = D(:,M+1:2*M); L = Dh(2:end,1:end-1); C = Dv(2:end,2:end); E = Dh(1:end-1,2:end); R = Dv(1:end-1,1:end-1);end if strcmp(type,'hvdm'), [M, N] = size(D); L = D(:,1:M); C = D(:,M+1:2*M); E = D(:,2*M+1:3*M); R = D(:,3*M+1:4*M);end if strcmp(type,'s-in'), [M, N] = size(D); Dh = D(:,1:M); Dv = D(:,M+1:2*M); Dh1 = D(:,2*M+1:3*M); Dv1 = D(:,3*M+1:4*M); L = Dh(2:end,1:end-1); C = Dh1(2:end,2:end); E = Dh1(1:end-1,2:end); R = Dh(1:end-1,1:end-1);end if strcmp(type,'s-out'), [M, N] = size(D); Dh = D(:,1:M); Dv = D(:,M+1:2*M); Dh1 = D(:,2*M+1:3*M); Dv1 = D(:,3*M+1:4*M); L = Dh1(2:end,1:end-1); C = Dh(2:end,2:end); E = Dh(1:end-1,2:end); R = Dh1(1:end-1,1:end-1);end if strcmp(type,'ori-in'), [M, N] = size(D); Dh = D(:,1:M); Dv = D(:,M+1:2*M); Dh1 = D(:,2*M+1:3*M); Dv1 = D(:,3*M+1:4*M); L = Dh(2:end,1:end-1); C = Dv1(2:end,2:end); E = Dh1(1:end-1,2:end); R = Dv(1:end-1,1:end-1);end if strcmp(type,'ori-out'),[M, N] = size(D); Dh = D(:,1:M); Dv = D(:,M+1:2*M); Dh1 = D(:,2*M+1:3*M); Dv1 = D(:,3*M+1:4*M); L = Dh1(2:end,1:end-1); C = Dv(2:end,2:end); E = Dh(1:end-1,2:end); R = Dv1(1:end-1,1:end-1);end for i = -T : T ind = (L(:)==i); C2 = C(ind); E2 = E(ind); R2 = R(ind); for j = -T : T ind = (C2(:)==j); E3 = E2(ind); R3 = R2(ind); for k = -T : T R4 = R3(E3(:)==k); for l = -T : T f(i+T+1,j+T+1,k+T+1,l+T+1) = sum(R4(:)==l); end end end end case 5 f = zeros(B,B,B,B,B); if strcmp(type,'hor'),L = D(:,1:end-4); C = D(:,2:end-3); E = D(:,3:end-2); F = D(:,4:end-1); R = D(:,5:end);end if strcmp(type,'ver'),L = D(1:end-4,:); C = D(2:end-3,:); E = D(3:end-2,:); F = D(4:end-1,:); R = D(5:end,:);end for i = -T : T ind = (L(:)==i); C2 = C(ind); E2 = E(ind); F2 = F(ind); R2 = R(ind); for j = -T : T ind = (C2(:)==j); E3 = E2(ind); F3 = F2(ind); R3 = R2(ind); for k = -T : T ind = (E3(:)==k); F4 = F3(ind); R4 = R3(ind); for l = -T : T R5 = R4(F4(:)==l); for m = -T : T f(i+T+1,j+T+1,k+T+1,l+T+1,m+T+1) = sum(R5(:)==m); end end end end end end % normalization f = double(f); fsum = sum(f(:)); if fsum>0, f = f/fsum; end function Y = Quant(X,q,T) % Quantization routine % X ... variable to be quantized/truncated % T ... threshold % q ... quantization step (with type = 'scalar') or a vector of increasing % non-negative integers outlining the quantization process. % Y ... quantized/truncated variable % Example 0: when q is a positive scalar, Y = trunc(round(X/q),T) % Example 1: q = [0 1 2 3] quantizes 0 to 0, 1 to 1, 2 to 2, [3,Inf) to 3, % (-Inf,-3] to -3, -2 to -2, -1 to -1. It is equivalent to Quant(.,3,1). % Example 2: q = [0 2 4 5] quantizes 0 to 0, {1,2} to 1, {3,4} to 2, % [5,Inf) to 3, and similarly with the negatives. % Example 3: q = [1 2] quantizes {-1,0,1} to 0, [2,Inf) to 1, (-Inf,-2] to -1. % Example 4: q = [1 3 7 15 16] quantizes {-1,0,1} to 0, {2,3} to 1, {4,5,6,7} % to 2, {8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15} to 3, [16,Inf) to 4, and similarly the % negatives. if numel(q) == 1 if q > 0, Y = trunc(round(X/q),T); else fprintf('*** ERROR: Attempt to quantize with non-positive step. ***\n'),end else q = round(q); % Making sure the vector q is made of integers if min(q(2:end)-q(1:end-1)) <= 0 fprintf('*** ERROR: quantization vector not strictly increasing. ***\n') end if min(q) < 0, fprintf('*** ERROR: Attempt to quantize with negative step. ***\n'),end T = q(end); % The last value determines the truncation threshold v = zeros(1,2*T+1); % value-substitution vector Y = trunc(X,T)+T+1; % Truncated X and shifted to positive values if q(1) == 0 v(T+1) = 0; z = 1; ind = T+2; for i = 2 : numel(q) v(ind:ind+q(i)-q(i-1)-1) = z; ind = ind+q(i)-q(i-1); z = z+1; end v(1:T) = -v(end:-1:T+2); else v(T+1-q(1):T+1+q(1)) = 0; z = 1; ind = T+2+q(1); for i = 2 : numel(q) v(ind:ind+q(i)-q(i-1)-1) = z; ind = ind+q(i)-q(i-1); z = z+1; end v(1:T-q(1)) = -v(end:-1:T+2+q(1)); end Y = v(Y); % The actual quantization :) end function Z = trunc(X,T) % Truncation to [-T,T] Z = X; Z(Z > T) = T; Z(Z < -T) = -T; function fsym = symfea(f,T,order,type) % Marginalization by sign and directional symmetry for a feature vector % stored as one of our 2*(2T+1)^order-dimensional feature vectors. This % routine should be used for features possiessing sign and directional % symmetry, such as spam-like features or 3x3 features. It should NOT be % used for features from MINMAX residuals. Use the alternative % symfea_minmax for this purpose. % The feature f is assumed to be a 2dim x database_size matrix of features % stored as columns (e.g., hor+ver, diag+minor_diag), with dim = % 2(2T+1)^order. [dim,N] = size(f); B = 2*T+1; c = B^order; ERR = 1; if strcmp(type,'spam') if dim == 2*c switch order % Reduced dimensionality for a B^order dimensional feature vector case 1, red = T + 1; case 2, red = (T + 1)^2; case 3, red = 1 + 3*T + 4*T^2 + 2*T^3; case 4, red = B^2 + 4*T^2*(T + 1)^2; case 5, red = 1/4*(B^2 + 1)*(B^3 + 1); end fsym = zeros(2*red,N); for i = 1 : N switch order case 1, cube = f(1:c,i); case 2, cube = reshape(f(1:c,i),[B B]); case 3, cube = reshape(f(1:c,i),[B B B]); case 4, cube = reshape(f(1:c,i),[B B B B]); case 5, cube = reshape(f(1:c,i),[B B B B B]); end % [size(symm_dir(cube,T,order)) red] fsym(1:red,i) = symm(cube,T,order); switch order case 1, cube = f(c+1:2*c,i); case 2, cube = reshape(f(c+1:2*c,i),[B B]); case 3, cube = reshape(f(c+1:2*c,i),[B B B]); case 4, cube = reshape(f(c+1:2*c,i),[B B B B]); case 5, cube = reshape(f(c+1:2*c,i),[B B B B B]); end fsym(red+1:2*red,i) = symm(cube,T,order); end else fsym = []; fprintf('*** ERROR: feature dimension is not 2x(2T+1)^order. ***\n') end ERR = 0; end if strcmp(type,'mnmx') if dim == 2*c switch order case 3, red = B^3 - T*B^2; % Dim of the marginalized set is (2T+1)^3-T*(2T+1)^2 case 4, red = B^4 - 2*T*(T+1)*B^2; % Dim of the marginalized set is (2T+1)^4-2T*(T+1)*(2T+1)^2 end fsym = zeros(red, N); for i = 1 : N switch order case 1, cube_min = f(1:c,i); cube_max = f(c+1:2*c,i); case 2, cube_min = reshape(f(1:c,i),[B B]); cube_max = reshape(f(c+1:2*c,i),[B B]); f_signsym = cube_min + cube_max(end:-1:1,end:-1:1); case 3, cube_min = reshape(f(1:c,i),[B B B]); cube_max = reshape(f(c+1:2*c,i),[B B B]); f_signsym = cube_min + cube_max(end:-1:1,end:-1:1,end:-1:1); case 4, cube_min = reshape(f(1:c,i),[B B B B]); cube_max = reshape(f(c+1:2*c,i),[B B B B]); f_signsym = cube_min + cube_max(end:-1:1,end:-1:1,end:-1:1,end:-1:1); case 5, cube_min = reshape(f(1:c,i),[B B B B B]); cube_max = reshape(f(c+1:2*c,i),[B B B B B]); f_signsym = cube_min + cube_max(end:-1:1,end:-1:1,end:-1:1,end:-1:1,end:-1:1); end % f_signsym = cube_min + cube_max(end:-1:1,end:-1:1,end:-1:1); fsym(:,i) = symm_dir(f_signsym,T,order); end end ERR = 0; end if ERR == 1, fprintf('*** ERROR: Feature dimension and T, order incompatible. ***\n'), end function As = symm_dir(A,T,order) % Symmetry marginalization routine. The purpose is to reduce the feature % dimensionality and make the features more populated. % A is an array of features of size (2*T+1)^order, otherwise error is outputted. % % Directional marginalization pertains to the fact that the % differences d1, d2, d3, ... in a natural (both cover and stego) image % are as likely to occur as ..., d3, d2, d1. % Basically, we merge all pairs of bins (i,j,k, ...) and (..., k,j,i) % as long as they are two different bins. Thus, instead of dim = % (2T+1)^order, we decrease the dim by 1/2*{# of non-symmetric bins}. % For order = 3, the reduced dim is (2T+1)^order - T(2T+1)^(order-1), % for order = 4, it is (2T+1)^4 - 2T(T+1)(2T+1)^2. B = 2*T+1; done = zeros(size(A)); switch order case 3, red = B^3 - T*B^2; % Dim of the marginalized set is (2T+1)^3-T*(2T+1)^2 case 4, red = B^4 - 2*T*(T+1)*B^2; % Dim of the marginalized set is (2T+1)^4-2T*(T+1)*(2T+1)^2 case 5, red = B^5 - 2*T*(T+1)*B^3; end As = zeros(red, 1); m = 1; switch order case 3 for i = -T : T for j = -T : T for k = -T : T if k ~= i % Asymmetric bin if done(i+T+1,j+T+1,k+T+1) == 0 As(m) = A(i+T+1,j+T+1,k+T+1) + A(k+T+1,j+T+1,i+T+1); % Two mirror-bins are merged done(i+T+1,j+T+1,k+T+1) = 1; done(k+T+1,j+T+1,i+T+1) = 1; m = m + 1; end else % Symmetric bin is just copied As(m) = A(i+T+1,j+T+1,k+T+1); done(i+T+1,j+T+1,k+T+1) = 1; m = m + 1; end end end end case 4 for i = -T : T for j = -T : T for k = -T : T for n = -T : T if (i ~= n) || (j ~= k) % Asymmetric bin if done(i+T+1,j+T+1,k+T+1,n+T+1) == 0 As(m) = A(i+T+1,j+T+1,k+T+1,n+T+1) + A(n+T+1,k+T+1,j+T+1,i+T+1); % Two mirror-bins are merged done(i+T+1,j+T+1,k+T+1,n+T+1) = 1; done(n+T+1,k+T+1,j+T+1,i+T+1) = 1; m = m + 1; end else % Symmetric bin is just copied As(m) = A(i+T+1,j+T+1,k+T+1,n+T+1); done(i+T+1,j+T+1,k+T+1,n+T+1) = 1; m = m + 1; end end end end end case 5 for i = -T : T for j = -T : T for k = -T : T for l = -T : T for n = -T : T if (i ~= n) || (j ~= l) % Asymmetric bin if done(i+T+1,j+T+1,k+T+1,l+T+1,n+T+1) == 0 As(m) = A(i+T+1,j+T+1,k+T+1,l+T+1,n+T+1) + A(n+T+1,l+T+1,k+T+1,j+T+1,i+T+1); % Two mirror-bins are merged done(i+T+1,j+T+1,k+T+1,l+T+1,n+T+1) = 1; done(n+T+1,l+T+1,k+T+1,j+T+1,i+T+1) = 1; m = m + 1; end else % Symmetric bin is just copied As(m) = A(i+T+1,j+T+1,k+T+1,l+T+1,n+T+1); done(i+T+1,j+T+1,k+T+1,l+T+1,n+T+1) = 1; m = m + 1; end end end end end end otherwise fprintf('*** ERROR: Order not equal to 3 or 4 or 5! ***\n') end function fsym = symm1(f,T,order) % Marginalization by sign and directional symmetry for a feature vector % stored as a (2T+1)^order-dimensional array. The input feature f is % assumed to be a dim x database_size matrix of features stored as columns. [dim,N] = size(f); B = 2*T+1; c = B^order; ERR = 1; if dim == c ERR = 0; switch order % Reduced dimensionality for a c-dimensional feature vector case 1, red = T + 1; case 2, red = (T + 1)^2; case 3, red = 1 + 3*T + 4*T^2 + 2*T^3; case 4, red = B^2 + 4*T^2*(T + 1)^2; case 5, red = 1/4*(B^2 + 1)*(B^3 + 1); end fsym = zeros(red,N); for i = 1 : N switch order case 1, cube = f(:,i); case 2, cube = reshape(f(:,i),[B B]); case 3, cube = reshape(f(:,i),[B B B]); case 4, cube = reshape(f(:,i),[B B B B]); case 5, cube = reshape(f(:,i),[B B B B B]); end % [size(symm_dir(cube,T,order)) red] fsym(:,i) = symm(cube,T,order); end end if ERR == 1, fprintf('*** ERROR in symm1: Feature dimension and T, order incompatible. ***\n'), end function As = symm(A,T,order) % Symmetry marginalization routine. The purpose is to reduce the feature % dimensionality and make the features more populated. It can be applied to % 1D -- 5D co-occurrence matrices (order \in {1,2,3,4,5}) with sign and % directional symmetries (explained below). % A must be an array of (2*T+1)^order, otherwise error is outputted. % % Marginalization by symmetry pertains to the fact that, fundamentally, % the differences between consecutive pixels in a natural image (both cover % and stego) d1, d2, d3, ..., have the same probability of occurrence as the % triple -d1, -d2, -d3, ... % % Directional marginalization pertains to the fact that the % differences d1, d2, d3, ... in a natural (cover and stego) image are as % likely to occur as ..., d3, d2, d1. ERR = 1; % Flag denoting when size of A is incompatible with the input parameters T and order m = 2; B = 2*T + 1; switch order case 1 % First-order coocs are only symmetrized if numel(A) == 2*T+1 As(1) = A(T+1); % The only non-marginalized bin is the origin 0 As(2:T+1) = A(1:T) + A(T+2:end); As = As(:); ERR = 0; end case 2 if numel(A) == (2*T+1)^2 As = zeros((T+1)^2, 1); As(1) = A(T+1,T+1); % The only non-marginalized bin is the origin (0,0) for i = -T : T for j = -T : T if (done(i+T+1,j+T+1) == 0) && (abs(i)+abs(j) ~= 0) As(m) = A(i+T+1,j+T+1) + A(T+1-i,T+1-j); done(i+T+1,j+T+1) = 1; done(T+1-i,T+1-j) = 1; if (i ~= j) && (done(j+T+1,i+T+1) == 0) As(m) = As(m) + A(j+T+1,i+T+1) + A(T+1-j,T+1-i); done(j+T+1,i+T+1) = 1; done(T+1-j,T+1-i) = 1; end m = m + 1; end end end ERR = 0; end case 3 if numel(A) == B^3 done = zeros(size(A)); As = zeros(1+3*T+4*T^2+2*T^3, 1); As(1) = A(T+1,T+1,T+1); % The only non-marginalized bin is the origin (0,0,0) for i = -T : T for j = -T : T for k = -T : T if (done(i+T+1,j+T+1,k+T+1) == 0) && (abs(i)+abs(j)+abs(k) ~= 0) As(m) = A(i+T+1,j+T+1,k+T+1) + A(T+1-i,T+1-j,T+1-k); done(i+T+1,j+T+1,k+T+1) = 1; done(T+1-i,T+1-j,T+1-k) = 1; if (i ~= k) && (done(k+T+1,j+T+1,i+T+1) == 0) As(m) = As(m) + A(k+T+1,j+T+1,i+T+1) + A(T+1-k,T+1-j,T+1-i); done(k+T+1,j+T+1,i+T+1) = 1; done(T+1-k,T+1-j,T+1-i) = 1; end m = m + 1; end end end end ERR = 0; end case 4 if numel(A) == (2*T+1)^4 done = zeros(size(A)); As = zeros(B^2 + 4*T^2*(T+1)^2, 1); As(1) = A(T+1,T+1,T+1,T+1); % The only non-marginalized bin is the origin (0,0,0,0) for i = -T : T for j = -T : T for k = -T : T for n = -T : T if (done(i+T+1,j+T+1,k+T+1,n+T+1) == 0) && (abs(i)+abs(j)+abs(k)+abs(n)~=0) As(m) = A(i+T+1,j+T+1,k+T+1,n+T+1) + A(T+1-i,T+1-j,T+1-k,T+1-n); done(i+T+1,j+T+1,k+T+1,n+T+1) = 1; done(T+1-i,T+1-j,T+1-k,T+1-n) = 1; if ((i ~= n) || (j ~= k)) && (done(n+T+1,k+T+1,j+T+1,i+T+1) == 0) As(m) = As(m) + A(n+T+1,k+T+1,j+T+1,i+T+1) + A(T+1-n,T+1-k,T+1-j,T+1-i); done(n+T+1,k+T+1,j+T+1,i+T+1) = 1; done(T+1-n,T+1-k,T+1-j,T+1-i) = 1; end m = m + 1; end end end end end ERR = 0; end case 5 if numel(A) == (2*T+1)^5 done = zeros(size(A)); As = zeros(1/4*(B^2 + 1)*(B^3 + 1), 1); As(1) = A(T+1,T+1,T+1,T+1,T+1); % The only non-marginalized bin is the origin (0,0,0,0,0) for i = -T : T for j = -T : T for k = -T : T for l = -T : T for n = -T : T if (done(i+T+1,j+T+1,k+T+1,l+T+1,n+T+1) == 0) && (abs(i)+abs(j)+abs(k)+abs(l)+abs(n)~=0) As(m) = A(i+T+1,j+T+1,k+T+1,l+T+1,n+T+1) + A(T+1-i,T+1-j,T+1-k,T+1-l,T+1-n); done(i+T+1,j+T+1,k+T+1,l+T+1,n+T+1) = 1; done(T+1-i,T+1-j,T+1-k,T+1-l,T+1-n) = 1; if ((i ~= n) || (j ~= l)) && (done(n+T+1,l+T+1,k+T+1,j+T+1,i+T+1) == 0) As(m) = As(m) + A(n+T+1,l+T+1,k+T+1,j+T+1,i+T+1) + A(T+1-n,T+1-l,T+1-k,T+1-j,T+1-i); done(n+T+1,l+T+1,k+T+1,j+T+1,i+T+1) = 1; done(T+1-n,T+1-l,T+1-k,T+1-j,T+1-i) = 1; end m = m + 1; end end end end end end ERR = 0; end otherwise As = []; fprintf(' Order of cooc is not in {1,2,3,4,5}.\n') end if ERR == 1 As = []; fprintf('*** ERROR in symm: The number of elements in the array is not (2T+1)^order. ***\n') end As = As(:); function D = Residual(X,order,type) % Computes the noise residual of a given type and order from MxN image X. % residual order \in {1,2,3,4,5,6} % type \in {hor,ver,diag,mdiag,KB,edge-h,edge-v,edge-d,edge-m} % The resulting residual is an (M-b)x(N-b) array of the specified order, % where b = ceil(order/2). This cropping is little more than it needs to % be to make sure all the residuals are easily "synchronized". % !!!!!!!!!!!!! Use order = 2 with KB and all edge residuals !!!!!!!!!!!!! [M N] = size(X); I = 1+ceil(order/2) : M-ceil(order/2); J = 1+ceil(order/2) : N-ceil(order/2); switch type case 'hor' switch order case 1, D = - X(I,J) + X(I,J+1); case 2, D = X(I,J-1) - 2*X(I,J) + X(I,J+1); case 3, D = X(I,J-1) - 3*X(I,J) + 3*X(I,J+1) - X(I,J+2); case 4, D = -X(I,J-2) + 4*X(I,J-1) - 6*X(I,J) + 4*X(I,J+1) - X(I,J+2); case 5, D = -X(I,J-2) + 5*X(I,J-1) - 10*X(I,J) + 10*X(I,J+1) - 5*X(I,J+2) + X(I,J+3); case 6, D = X(I,J-3) - 6*X(I,J-2) + 15*X(I,J-1) - 20*X(I,J) + 15*X(I,J+1) - 6*X(I,J+2) + X(I,J+3); end case 'ver' switch order case 1, D = - X(I,J) + X(I+1,J); case 2, D = X(I-1,J) - 2*X(I,J) + X(I+1,J); case 3, D = X(I-1,J) - 3*X(I,J) + 3*X(I+1,J) - X(I+2,J); case 4, D = -X(I-2,J) + 4*X(I-1,J) - 6*X(I,J) + 4*X(I+1,J) - X(I+2,J); case 5, D = -X(I-2,J) + 5*X(I-1,J) - 10*X(I,J) + 10*X(I+1,J) - 5*X(I+2,J) + X(I+3,J); case 6, D = X(I-3,J) - 6*X(I-2,J) + 15*X(I-1,J) - 20*X(I,J) + 15*X(I+1,J) - 6*X(I+2,J) + X(I+3,J); end case 'diag' switch order case 1, D = - X(I,J) + X(I+1,J+1); case 2, D = X(I-1,J-1) - 2*X(I,J) + X(I+1,J+1); case 3, D = X(I-1,J-1) - 3*X(I,J) + 3*X(I+1,J+1) - X(I+2,J+2); case 4, D = -X(I-2,J-2) + 4*X(I-1,J-1) - 6*X(I,J) + 4*X(I+1,J+1) - X(I+2,J+2); case 5, D = -X(I-2,J-2) + 5*X(I-1,J-1) - 10*X(I,J) + 10*X(I+1,J+1) - 5*X(I+2,J+2) + X(I+3,J+3); case 6, D = X(I-3,J-3) - 6*X(I-2,J-2) + 15*X(I-1,J-1) - 20*X(I,J) + 15*X(I+1,J+1) - 6*X(I+2,J+2) + X(I+3,J+3); end case 'mdiag' switch order case 1, D = - X(I,J) + X(I-1,J+1); case 2, D = X(I-1,J+1) - 2*X(I,J) + X(I+1,J-1); case 3, D = X(I-1,J+1) - 3*X(I,J) + 3*X(I+1,J-1) - X(I+2,J-2); case 4, D = -X(I-2,J+2) + 4*X(I-1,J+1) - 6*X(I,J) + 4*X(I+1,J-1) - X(I+2,J-2); case 5, D = -X(I-2,J+2) + 5*X(I-1,J+1) - 10*X(I,J) + 10*X(I+1,J-1) - 5*X(I+2,J-2) + X(I+3,J-3); case 6, D = X(I-3,J+3) - 6*X(I-2,J+2) + 15*X(I-1,J+1) - 20*X(I,J) + 15*X(I+1,J-1) - 6*X(I+2,J-2) + X(I+3,J-3); end case 'KB' D = -X(I-1,J-1) + 2*X(I-1,J) - X(I-1,J+1) + 2*X(I,J-1) - 4*X(I,J) + 2*X(I,J+1) - X(I+1,J-1) + 2*X(I+1,J) - X(I+1,J+1); case 'edge-h' Du = 2*X(I-1,J) + 2*X(I,J-1) + 2*X(I,J+1) - X(I-1,J-1) - X(I-1,J+1) - 4*X(I,J); % -1 2 -1 Db = 2*X(I+1,J) + 2*X(I,J-1) + 2*X(I,J+1) - X(I+1,J-1) - X(I+1,J+1) - 4*X(I,J); % 2 C 2 + flipped vertically D = [Du,Db]; case 'edge-v' Dl = 2*X(I,J-1) + 2*X(I-1,J) + 2*X(I+1,J) - X(I-1,J-1) - X(I+1,J-1) - 4*X(I,J); % -1 2 Dr = 2*X(I,J+1) + 2*X(I-1,J) + 2*X(I+1,J) - X(I-1,J+1) - X(I+1,J+1) - 4*X(I,J); % 2 C + flipped horizontally D = [Dl,Dr]; % -1 2 case 'edge-m' Dlu = 2*X(I,J-1) + 2*X(I-1,J) - X(I-1,J-1) - X(I+1,J-1) - X(I-1,J+1) - X(I,J); % -1 2 -1 Drb = 2*X(I,J+1) + 2*X(I+1,J) - X(I+1,J+1) - X(I+1,J-1) - X(I-1,J+1) - X(I,J); % 2 C + flipped mdiag D = [Dlu,Drb]; % -1 case 'edge-d' Dru = 2*X(I-1,J) + 2*X(I,J+1) - X(I-1,J+1) - X(I-1,J-1) - X(I+1,J+1) - X(I,J); % -1 2 -1 Dlb = 2*X(I,J-1) + 2*X(I+1,J) - X(I+1,J-1) - X(I+1,J+1) - X(I-1,J-1) - X(I,J); % C 2 + flipped diag D = [Dru,Dlb]; % -1 case 'KV' D = 8*X(I-1,J) + 8*X(I+1,J) + 8*X(I,J-1) + 8*X(I,J+1); D = D - 6*X(I-1,J+1) - 6*X(I-1,J-1) - 6*X(I+1,J-1) - 6*X(I+1,J+1); D = D - 2*X(I-2,J) - 2*X(I+2,J) - 2*X(I,J+2) - 2*X(I,J-2); D = D + 2*X(I-1,J-2) + 2*X(I-2,J-1) + 2*X(I-2,J+1) + 2*X(I-1,J+2) + 2*X(I+1,J+2) + 2*X(I+2,J+1) + 2*X(I+2,J-1) + 2*X(I+1,J-2); D = D - X(I-2,J-2) - X(I-2,J+2) - X(I+2,J-2) - X(I+2,J+2) - 12*X(I,J); end