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<h1>Quick Nav</h1>
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<li><a href="#basicAuthentication">Basic Authentication</a></li>
<li><a href="#digestAuthentication">Digest Authentication</a></li>
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<h1>See Also</h1>
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<li><a href="../../../guide/appweb/users/index.html">User Guide Overview</a></li>
<li><a href="../../../guide/appweb/users/configuration.html">Configuring Appweb</a></li>
<li><a href="../../../guide/appweb/users/ports.html">Ports and Binding</a></li>
<li><a href="../../../guide/appweb/users/lang.html">Multi-Language Support</a></li>
<li><a href="../../../guide/appweb/users/authentication.html">User Authorization</a></li>
<li><a href="../../../guide/appweb/users/logFiles.html">Log Files</a></li>
<li><a href="../../../guide/appweb/users/vhosts.html">Virtual Hosts</a></li>
<li><a href="../../../guide/appweb/users/security.html">Security Considerations</a></li>
<li><a href="../../../guide/appweb/users/ssl.html">SSL</a></li>
<li><a href="../../../guide/appweb/users/modules.html">Appweb Modules</a></li>
<li><a href="../../../guide/appweb/users/stages.html">Pipeline Stages</a></li>
<li><a href="../../../guide/appweb/users/client.html">HTTP Client</a></li>
<li><a href="../../../guide/appweb/users/webSockets.html">WebSockets</a></li>
<li><a href="../../../guide/appweb/users/frameworks.html">Web Frameworks</a></li>
<li><a href="../../../ref/appweb/architecture.html">Appweb Architecture</a></li>
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<p>Authentication is the process by which a client's identity and abilities are verified before granting
access to server resources. Authentication is essential when you have content that you wish to protect and
provide only to specific, approved clients.</p>
<p>Appweb implements a powerful and flexible authentication mechanism that supports Basic, Digest and
Form authentication schemes. Appweb employs unified and flexible authentication front and back ends
that can be mixed and matched to meet most authentication needs.</p>
<a id="basicAuthentication"></a>
<h2>Authentication Schemes</h2>
<p>Appweb provides several authentication schemes.
<li>Basic Authentication</li>
<li>Digest Authentication</li>
<li>Form Authentication</li>
<li>Custom via API</li>
<p>Basic and Digest authentication are HTTP protocol mechanisms defined by the <a href=
"http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616.html">HTTP/1.1 RFC2616</a> specification. Because they operate
at the protocol level, they offer a low level of capability and flexibility. When a client attempts to access
secured content, the client's browser displays a generic pop-up dialog box to prompt for the user's
credentials. When submitted, the Appweb server consults the appropriate user password store to authenticate the
user. While this scheme works, applications increasingly need to utilize an application-level user login
mechanism that is more integrated into the overall look-and-feel of the application. Such login facilities
are defined using web forms and HTTP POST requests from standard web page forms. Appweb calls this scheme the
the Form-based authentication scheme.</p>
<h2 class="section">Basic Authentication</h2>
<p>Basic authentication was the original HTTP/1.0 authentication scheme. It transmits user names and
passwords using a trivial encoding that is no better than using plain text.</p>
<p><b>SECURITY WARNING</b>: You should not use Basic Authentication if at all possible. Use Digest
Authentication instead if it is supported by your clients. If you must use Basic Authentication, use it over
TLS/SSL which will encrypt the password over the wire.</p>
<h2>Basic Authentication Directives</h2>
<p>Appweb basic authentication is controlled by configuration file directives that may be used inside a
Route or VirtualHost block, or within the Default server configuration.</p>
<Route /private/>
<b>AuthType basic</b>
AuthRealm "example.com"
User julie 9d8873a123eb506e7f8e84d1f2a26916 view
Require user julie
<p>This example restricts access to URIs beginning with "/private". It permits access to the user
"julie" once authenticated.</p>
<p>The <a href="dir/auth.html#authType">AuthType</a> directive specifies that basic authentication is being
used. The <a href="dir/auth.html#authName">AuthRealm</a> directive specifies the realm of access to Appweb.
The realm is used in combination with the username and password to encrypt the password.
The <a href="dir/auth.html#User">AuthUserFile</a> directive specifies the location of the user
password file. You may use a single password file for all authentication, or you can use different files for
each authentication section.</p>
<p>The <a href="dir/auth.html#user">User</a> directive defines a user by name with an encrypted password and
zero or more roles for the user. Typically, User and Role directives are placed in a separate configuration
file called <em>auth.conf</em> and are included via an <em>"include auth.conf"</em> directive.
To create passwords, see the section
below that describes the <a href="#authpass">authpass</a> utility.</p>
<h3>Require Directive</h3>
<p>The <a href="dir/auth.html#require">Require</a> directive controls access to the resources managed by
the route. There are three possibilities to control access: require specific named users,
require a secure protocol such as TLS/SSL to be used, and require that the authenticated user possess
a set of specified abilities. </p>
<li>Require user username ...</li>
<li>Require ability name...</li>
<li>Require secure</li>
<p>When using <em>Require ability</em>, the abilities may be roles defined via the
<a href="dir/auth.html#role">Role</a> directive, or they may be simple words which represent a discrete
ability that is explicitly specified in the <a href="dir/auth.html#user">User</a> directive.
<p>The <em>require secure</em> directive specifies that the SSL/TLS protocol must be used for the
request to permit access.</p>
<p>Note: These three require directive alternatives may be used in combination. However, multiple
<em>Require user</em> or multiple <em>Require ability</em> directives are not supported. The last
directive will take precedence.</p>
<p><b>SECURITY WARNING</b>: it is essential that the authentication file be stored outside
the Documents directory or any directory serving content.</p>
<a id="digestAuthentication"></a>
<h2 class="section">Digest Authentication</h2>
<p>The Digest authentication scheme is a modern replacement for the Basic authentication scheme. It uses
cryptographic techniques to encode passwords and does not transmit sensitive information in clear-text.</p>
<h2>Digest Authentication Directives</h2>
<p>Appweb digest authentication is controlled by configuration file directives that may be used within any
Route, VirtualHost block or within the Default server configuration.</p>
<Route /private/>
<b>AuthType Digest</b>
AuthRealm "example.com"
include auth.conf
Require user peter
<p>This example restricts access to the "/private" directory and all sub-directories to users whose username
and password are validated against the designated user.db password file. The essential differences between
this example and the Basic Authentication example is the AuthType directive.</p><a id="auth"></a>
<a id="formAuthentication"></a>
<h2 class="section">Form Authentication</h2>
<p>The Form-based authentication scheme uses a standard web page form that prompts the user to enter their
name and password. These values are then submitted to Appweb via a standard Http POST request. Appweb
analyzes the user and password, and if authenticated, a login session is created and a cookie is returned
to the users's browser. Subsequent requests that include the cookie will be automatically authenticated and
<p>The <a href="dir/auth.html#authType">AuthType form</a> directive controls how Form authentication
operates. The form variant of AuthType specifies the login web page, the login service URI, the logout
service URI and the destination web page once authenticated. The format is:
<pre>AuthType form Login-Page Login-Service Logout-Service Logged-In-Destination</pre>
<p>For example:</p>
<Route ^/>
<b>AuthType form /auth/login.html /auth/login /auth/logout /</b>
<p>This directive enables Form authentication for all requests and will redirect the client browser to
<em>/auth/login.html</em> to prompt for the username and password. This example uses a plain HTML web page, but
the web page can be created in ESP, PHP, CGI or any other web framework. The web page should submit the username
and password to the <em>/auth/login</em> login service. When logout is required, the client should submit
a HTTP POST request to the logout service URI <em>/auth/logout</em>. The last field in the AuthType
directive is the destination URI to which the client's browser will be redirected once logged in. </p>
<h3>Login Service</h3>
<p>The Login-Service is URI that is bound to an internal service to receive the <em>username</em> and
<em>password</em> and authenticate the user. This service expects the username/password to be submitted
via POST data using the form input fields "username" and "password". You can supply your own login and
logout service by specifying the empty string <em>""</em> for the Login-Service in the AuthType directive.
If using your own Login Service, you should call <em>httpLogin</em> to validate the user against the
configured password store.</p>
<h3>Web Form</h3>
<p>Here is a minimal example login form:</p>
<p>Please log in</p>
<form name="details" method="post" <b>action="/auth/login"</b>>
Username <input type="text" <b>name="username"</b> value=''><br/>
Password <input type="password" <b>name="password"</b> value=''><br/>
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="OK">
<p>The two submitted fields must be named <em>username</em> and <em>password</em>.
<p>If the login attempt succeeds, the client will receive a response including a session cookie and
will be redirected to the Destination URI. If the destination URI includes a <em>referrer:</em> prefix and
the login form request contained a referrer URI in the HTTP header, then that referrer URI will be used
as the destination instead of the hard-wired destination.</p>
<h3>Securing the Password</h3>
<p><b>SECURITY WARNING:</b> The Form authentication mechanism submits the user password as plain text. To secure
communications, the Form authentication scheme should be used over a secure connection using TLS/SSL.
To achieve this, you should create a route which redirects the client to the secure login form. For
example: </p>
Listen 443
<VirtualHost *:443>
SSLEngine on openssl
# More SSL directives if required
AuthType form /login.html /login /logout referrer:/index.html
<Route ^/>
AuthType form https://example.com/login.html
<a id="authStores"></a>
<h2 class="section">Password Stores</h2>
<p>Appweb can retrieve passwords from the default system password database or from a text password configuration
file. Selection of the password store is controlled by the <a href="dir/auth.html#authStore">AuthStore</a>
directive. For example:</p>
AuthStore system
This selects the Unix system PAM password database.
AuthStore file
User julie 9d8873a123eb506e7f8e84d1f2a26916 view
<p>The Unix system password database is managed via the <a href="http://kb.iu.edu/data/anpn.html">PAM</a>
interface. The Windows ActiveDirectory password store is not currently supported.</p>
<p>The <em>AuthStore file</em> option specifies that passwords will be defined by the
<a href="dir/auth.html#user">User</a> directive and will be stored internally in Appweb.
The default password store for Appweb is "file". Typically, User directives are kept in a separate
passwords are stored in a separate configuration file that is included from the <em>appweb.conf</em>
master configuration file.</p>
include auth.conf
<a name="authpass"></a>
<h2 class="section">Password Program</h2>
<p>The <em>authpass</em> program supports the <em>internal</em> AuthStore and is used to create user
passwords in an authentication file. Appweb uses the same authentication file and format for Basic, Digest
and Form authentication types. This simplifies administration. The file simply contains User and Role
directives and may be edited by hand if desired.</p>
# auth.conf - Authentication data
Role administrator view
Role executive manage direct
Role user view
User julie 9d8873a123eb506e7f8e84d1f2a26916 user
User peter 7cdba57892649fd95a540683fdf8fba6 user
User joshua 2fd6e47ff9bb70c0465fd2f5c8e5305e user administrator purchase
User mary 5b90553bea8ba3686f4239d62801f0f3 user executive
<p>The <em>authpass</em> program will create and modify User directives in the authentication file.</p>
<p>The command line syntax for authpass is:</p>
authpass [-c] [-p passWord] authFile realm username roles...
<p>The authFile parameter specifies the name of the authentication file.
If the -p password option is not used, authpass will prompt for the password. The -c option will
cause authpass to create the authentication file if it does not already exist. Otherwise it will update the
nominated file.</p>
<p>The Realm is the name used in the AuthRealm directive.
<p><b>SECURITY WARNING</b>: it is essential that the authentication file be stored outside
the Documents directory or any directory serving content.</p>
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