// ViewStrategy.cpp: implementation of the ViewStrategy class. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "stdafx.h" #include "ViewStrategy.h" string ViewStrategy::title_vew(const char* title, const char* descp) const{ string info_str; system("cls"); cout<>info_str; cout<& chosen_item) const{ unsigned index = 0; if (chosen_item.size() == 0){ cout<<"\n\t\tNo Item Found!\n"; cin.clear(); cin.sync(); getch(); return NULL; } else { if (chosen_item.size() == 1){ Sleep(400); index = 1; } else{ cout<<"\n\tEnter the INDEX(1 - "<>index; if (index>chosen_item.size()){ return NULL; } }//if (chosen_item.size() == 1) if (index > 0){ return contact_item.at(chosen_item.at(index-1)); } return NULL; }//if (chosen_item.size() == 0) } void ViewStrategy::all_vew() const{ system("cls"); cout< cur_ctg; string tmp_ctg; bool add_ctg; unsigned i = 0,j = 0; system("cls"); cout<category; if (tmp_ctg == "") tmp_ctg = "Unset"; add_ctg = true; for (j = 0; j>info_str; if ((info_str == "Unset") || (info_str == "unset")) info_str = ""; cout<