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2021-10-19 00:18:35 +00:00
// =================================================================
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// == TJH == ezSQL Debug Console version 0.2-alpha ===============================
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// == TJH == To provide optional return value as opposed to simple echo
// == TJH == of the $db->vardump and $db->debug functions
// == TJH == Helpful for assigning the output to a var for handling in situations like template
// == TJH == engines where you want the debugging output rendered in a particular location.
// == TJH == This latest version 0.2 alpha includes a modification that allows
// == TJH == the original dump and debug behaviours to be maintained by default
// == TJH == and hopefully be backward compatible with previous ezSQL versions
// == TJH == n.b. set $db->debug_all = true; // in your .php file
// == TJH == and $db->debug_echo = false; // in your .php file
// == TJH == USAGE: $ezdump = print_r($db->vardump($result),true);
// == TJH == USAGE: $ezdebug = print_r($db->console,true);
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// =========== n.b. for TBS template engine users ==============================
// === TJH === This is hacked to enable an ezSQL pop-up debug console from a TBS template page
// === TJH === The following steps need to be taken:
// === TJH === (1) Set $db->debug_all = true; // in your .php file
// === TJH === and $db->debug_echo = false; // in your .php file
// === TJH === (2) Add the following javascript to top of your html
[onload_1;block=ezdebugconsole;when [var.db.debug_all]=1]
if(self.name == ''){var title = 'Console';}
else{var title = 'Console_' + self.name;}
newWindow = window.open("",title.value,"width=550,height=650,resizable,scrollbars=yes");
newWindow.document.write("<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>ezSQL Debug [var..script_name;htmlconv=js]</TITLE></HEAD><BODY bgcolor=#e8e8e8>");
// newWindow.document.write("<b>Debug for [var..script_name;htmlconv=js]</b><BR />");
newWindow.document.write("<table border=0 width='100%'>");
// === TJH === (3) debug data is called with $db->console
// === TJH === Use something like
// === TJH === $ezdebug = print_r($db->console,true);
// === TJH === to stuff the debug data into a PHP var
// === TJH ===
// === TJH === n.b. Don't forget to slurp the slug of javascript
// === TJH === at the top of the .html template page
// === TJH === you'll need to hack it if you're going to
// === TJH === use it other than with TBS tempalte engine.
// === TJH ===
// === TJH === Search this file for "TJH" comments to find changes
// === TJH === You can contact TJH via http://tomhenry.us/
// =================================================================